Deadline: 13 June 2017
Applications are open for Egypt-UK Newton-Musharafa Fund: Institutional Links, which is designed to establish links beyond the level of the individual researcher and innovation practitioner, opening up opportunities for sustainable, solution-oriented research and innovation collaborations between academic groups as well as with the private and third sector.
Newton Fund Institutional Links grants provide small-scale seed funding for collaborations between the UK and the participating Newton Fund countries in each call to:
- Initiate new research and innovation collaborations between academic groups, departments, and institutions in partner countries and the UK
- Develop existing collaborations at group, departmental, and institutional level
- Encourage these collaborations to work with non-academic organisations and individuals to support the exchange of research and innovation expertise and the translation of research knowledge into tangible benefits
- Establish local hubs for UK-partner country activity in a particular area, enabling engagement from the wider research and innovation community.
Funding Information
Grants range from £50,000 to £300,000 for up to two years, dependent on the country.
Scope of the Programme
Grants under the Newton Fund Institutional Links Programme allow partners to collaborate internationally, and gain access to new research environments, facilities, knowledge, and expertise, in order to enhance the quality of their research and enable them to translate research and innovation into economic and societal benefit.
All research and innovation collaborations funded by this Programme will:
- Establish new research and innovation links, or significantly develop existing links, between research groups, departments or institutions with the potential for longer-term sustainability. A key aim of the collaboration will be to support research and innovation capacity building in the partner institution, as well as to stimulate longer-term links between the UK and partner countries for research and innovation.
- Focus on topics or themes which have relevance to the economic development and welfare of the partner country. Institutional Links grants are intended to support areas relevant to the economic development and social welfare of partner countries.
Eligibility Criteria
- Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK and one Principal Applicant from the partner country
- Both Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or Established Researchers
- Principal Applicants must be permanent employees of one of the following (this means that Emeritus and Honorary Professors may not apply as lead):
- A not-for-profit higher education institution with the capacity to undertake high-quality research
- A UK higher education institution (all UK higher education institutions are eligible)
- A not-for-profit research organisation with the capacity to undertake high-quality research A Catapult Centre (in the case of the UK Principal Applicant)
- Both of the Principal Applicants’ institutions (the ‘Lead Institutions’) must have the capacity to administer the grant.
- Individual departments within a single institution can make multiple applications per call provided that the proposed activities are clearly different
- Principal Applicants may only submit one Institutional Links application per Institutional Links
- Principal Applicants that have received Institutional Links grants in previous years can submit further applications for Institutional Links provided the proposed activities are clearly distinct from, or build on, any already funded through the Newton Fund. Principal Applicants may not apply if they have already received an Institutional Links grant that year.
- Organisations affiliated to higher education institutions in the UK or any other country and based in the partner country, (e.g. an overseas campus) may apply as the Lead Institution in the partner country provided that other eligible higher education institutions or research organisations are also involved as Associated Partners in-country.
- Organisations cannot apply as Lead Institutions in Links with their own affiliates in other countries
How to Apply
Applicants can apply via given website.
Eligible Countries: Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, United Kingdom
For more information, please visit Institutional Links.