Deadline: 31-Mar-2025
The U.S. Embassy Bishkek Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce funding is available through the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program.
Based on funding availability, projects awarded under this program will support U.S. foreign policy goals in the Kyrgyz Republic in the areas of increasing understanding of U.S. values and creativity, fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth, combating transnational threats, promoting sustainable economic growth, and accountable governance and stability, and improving English language education in the Kyrgyz Republic.
- Purpose of Public Diplomacy Grants
- The PDS invites proposals for programs that strengthen ties between the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic and support a priority program area in order to highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation.
- All proposed programs must include an American element, either through a connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s, usage of American educational/informational resources, or any other activities that promote or contribute to increased mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Priority Program Areas
- Increasing Understanding of U.S. Values and Creativity
- Goal: Build mutual understanding between the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic through artistic, cultural, and creative exchanges that increase the Kyrgyz people’s understanding of U.S. values, society, and culture and lay the foundation for sustained bilateral cooperation.
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Increasing the availability and accessibility of American educational resources in the Kyrgyz language through book printing, digitalization, and promotional events.
- Organizing performances and workshops by American artists, athletes, and other creative professionals in the Kyrgyz Republic to increase awareness and appreciation of American culture.
- Strengthening connections between U.S. and Kyrgyz universities to foster curriculum development and intellectual exchanges in the Kyrgyz Republic.
- Facilitating knowledge sharing of U.S. expertise to support Kyrgyz cultural heritage preservation initiatives.
- Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth
- Goal: Promote an inclusive creative economy built upon regional connectivity, enhanced human capital, clean energy, and sustainable development.
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Reducing barriers to economic participation (including but not limited to limited access to educational and skills development, lack of employment opportunities, access to financial services), particularly among youth, women, residents of rural areas, and underserved groups.
- Increase adoption through public advocacy campaigns of legal measures to improve the business enabling and regulatory environment.
- Developing programs and tools for small and medium businesses to support corporate social responsibility, innovation, rural economic development, workforce inclusion, and access to finance.
- Equipping individuals in the creative industry with the necessary skills to develop original, appealing content through technology-focused trainings or exchanges with U.S. counterparts.
- Increasing economic connections and collaboration across the Central Asian region to support workforce development and job creation based on the C5+1 platform.
- Promoting Accountable Governance and Stability
- Goal: Advance a more transparent, accountable, inclusive and democratic system of governance in the Kyrgyz Republic.
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Strengthening civil society and independent media organizations’ ability to collaborate on key issues (recommend providing some examples of key issues) through by making new connections and relationships and acquiring expertise.
- Increasing civic participation and respect for rule of law by educating citizens on rights and protections through media literacy.
- Goal: Advance a more transparent, accountable, inclusive and democratic system of governance in the Kyrgyz Republic.
- Improving English Language Education
- Goal: Improve English language instruction, including speaking, writing, and comprehension skills in the Kyrgyz Republic, especially for those in the regions outside of the capital and residents of the “novostroika” marginalized communities of Bishkek
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Enhancing spoken English skills and improving classroom lesson delivery techniques of rural English teachers.
- Improve the English-language ability of lower-level students from under-resourced schools and increase their access to educational resources through tutoring and mentorship opportunities led by private English-language schools.
- Modernizing English language learning methodologies and techniques to be used by public universities, secondary and primary school instructors.
- Develop the capacity of Kyrgyz tourism and rural small business operators in intermediate English to expand their potential client base.
- Enhancing Climate Change Resilience and Environmental Protection
- Goal: Engage government, environmental industry, business and/or local communities in developing strategies for mitigation of the effects of climate change, adaptation measures, and in implementing locally driven projects which protect the environment and save resources.
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Raising awareness among local communities about climate change impacts and environmental protection strategies through workshops, educational campaigns, outreach programs.
- Piloting recycling programs among youth populations to advance environmental awareness and reduce waste.
- Developing mechanisms for collaboration and coordination between citizens and local government on environmental protection issues.
- Increasing citizen participation in environmental protection initiatives by developing mechanisms for collaboration and coordination between citizens and the local government.
- Increasing public support for sustainable natural resource management and/or adoption of cleaner energy sources and technologies.
- Combating Transnational Threats
- Goal: Strengthen regional security and stability and combat transnational threats through engagement with diverse, targeted stakeholders on key issues like violent extremism, human trafficking, and emergency preparedness.
- This goal could be advanced through lines of effort such as:
- Improving communication and coordination between civil society, local communities, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to address transnational threats related to security and migration, natural and climate change-related disasters, and public health emergencies.
- Developing market-relevant skills for individuals at risk of radicalization to provide them with alternate employment opportunities, thereby improving their economic and social inclusion within their communities.
- Raising awareness of at-risk groups about the tactics and allure of extremist messages and recruitment attempts and the dangers of violent extremism.
- Equipping at-risk groups with practical skills for conflict resolution tailored to fostering religious tolerance and embracing different perspectives. Raising awareness and of human trafficking tactics and methods among vulnerable populations, first responders, and policymakers. Fostering dialogue among key stakeholders, including civil society, about preparedness for climate change related disasters.
- Increasing the ability of key stakeholders and civil society to take proactive steps in climate adaptation and disaster preparedness.
- Project Audience(s) may include
- Youth, and students of both public and private schools and universities, particularly in remote and rural areas.
- Artists, filmmakers, and content creators.
- Educational institutions, museums, and libraries.
- Sports clubs and associations.
- Small and medium business owners, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, innovators, creative professionals, influencers, and mentors, especially Kyrgyzspeaking audiences.
- Business associations working on improving the business environment and promoting public-private partnerships (PPP).
- Civil society organizations, and/or non-profit organizations.
- Public- and private-sector stakeholders in the areas of energy, air quality, and environmental protection.
- Marginalized communities, people with disabilities, and other disadvantaged groups.
- English language educators particularly in remote and rural areas.
- Tourism operators and employees which cater to international tourists.
- Community leaders, decision makers, influencers, educators, innovators, particularly in remote and rural areas.
- Local and national government decision-making officials and government employees.
- Local community members and influencers, including local government officials and law enforcement personnel engaged in countering trafficking in persons (CTIP).
Funding Information
- Awards may range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $80,000 (approximately)
- Length of performance period 6 to 12 months
Eligibility Criteria
- The following organizations are eligible to apply
- Kyrgyz Republic-registered:
- Not-for-profit organizations,
- Civil society/non-governmental organizations,
- Think tanks,
- Public and private not-for-profit educational institutions,
- Individuals, and
- Kyrgyz Republic-registered:
- U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs), educational institutions, and individuals seeking funding to support cultural and/or educational programs in the Kyrgyz Republic and partnering with Kyrgyz Republic-registered organizations.
Ineligibility Criteria
- This opportunity will not support:
- Projects relating to partisan political activity;
- Charitable or development activities; including direct social services such as medical, psychological, and/or humanitarian support
- Construction projects;
- Projects that support specific religious activities;
- Fund-raising campaigns;
- Lobbying for specific legislation or programs
- Scientific research or surveys;
- Commercial projects.
For more information, visit U.S. Embassy in The Kyrgyz Republic.