Deadline: 15 June 2019
medica mondiale is currently inviting women’s organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia to respond to this call for proposals.
This year’s call for proposal aims at improving the situation of women and girls affected by sexualized and gender-based violence perpetrated during or after the war in the region by focusing on the subject of Dealing with the past: Increasing recognition and access to transitional justice mechanisms for survivors of war-related SGBV.
Projects can highlight one or more of the following aspects of Dealing with the past:
- Ensuring the right to justice
- Ensuring the right to know
- Ensuring the right to reparation
- Contributing to the guarantee of non-recurrence
medica mondiale is a non-governmental organization which stands up for women and girls in war and conflict zones throughout the world. medica mondiale supports women’s organizations working at the local, regional or national level to protect and promote the rights of women and girls affected by sexualized and gender based violence, regardless of political, ethnic or religious affiliation.
Funding Information
- For projects with a duration of maximum one year grants range in size from EURO 5.000 to EURO 15.000. Two organizations can send a joint application for a project with an overall funding amount of max. EURO 30.000.
- For projects set up for two years the maximum grants amount EUR 30.000.
- Only one grant per year will be given to any organization.
Project Duration
- The Project duration is maximum one year for organizations who apply for the first time.
- For organizations, which medica mondiale already funded in the past, there is the possibility to submit project proposal with duration of maximum two years.
Eligibility Criteria
This call for proposals addresses women rights organizations in the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia. They must fulfill the following criteria:
- Organizations directed and led by women.
- Organizations whose primary mission is the protection and promotion of women’s rights with these goals clearly reflected in their work.
- Organizations working on issues directly related to medica mondiale’s theme: combating and preventing sexualized and gender based violence against women in war and conflict zones.
- Organizations that support women and girls regardless of ethnicity, religion, political belief, sexual orientation, social status, or age.
- Organizations working for social structural change to end violence against women.
- Organizations that actively include the perspectives of the women and girls they support.
- Organizations working in collaboration with others in the human and women’s rights movement.
- Organizations formally registered as non-governmental and non-profit organizations.
medica mondiale does not fund individuals, scholarships, organizations founded or led by government entities or political parties.
How to Apply
Please send project proposals via E-mail at the address given on the website.
For more information, please visit