Deadline: 7 November 2017
The Center for Education and Ethics has announced a Research grant program that encourages applicants to understand educational policy and practice in broad terms, including issues that directly relate to K-12 schools and higher education institutions, but also concerning policies that influence children’s growth and development in the family and other institutions.
- the proper content of moral education and of the rights of parents to choose its content
- the place of religion in schools
- justice and efficiency in the allocation of public funds across schools and school districts
- the content of the curriculum
- the commercialization of schools and childhoods generally
- the obligations to students with special educational needs
- the proper content of sex education in particular and “education for living” more generally (concerning e.g., parenting, financial self-management) and the extent to which it is right for schools to defer to parental preferences regarding these matters
- the moral rights of school students to privacy, to freedom of expression, to freedom of association
- the rights and obligations of teachers with respect to abusive or violent children
- should schools cultivate the virtues needed to sustain a democratic society, and if so, what are they and how is this best done given the other values schools should realize and pursue
- ethical considerations in college admissions and enrollment
Funding Information
The Center will make awards of up to $40,000 for research projects in philosophy as it relates to educational policy and practice.
Eligibility Criteria
- Proposals are accepted from the U.S. and internationally, however all proposals must be submitted in English and budgets must be proposed in U.S. Dollars.
- Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a research grant must have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field.
- The PI must be affiliated with a college, university, or non-profit research facility that is willing to serve as the fiscal agent if the grant is awarded. They cannot award grants directly to individuals.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted online via given website.
For more information, please visit Research Grants.