Deadline: 19 December 2016 Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Department for International Development are seeking applications for 23rd round of Darwin Initiative scoping Projects funding with an aim to develop a workable project idea and make contact with potential partners … [Read more...] about Darwin Initiative: Applications Open for Scoping Project Funding to Develop a Project Idea
Latest Grants and Resources in Bhutan
View the latest grants and resources for NGOs, companies, startups and individuals in Bhutan.
10 YFP Trust Fund: Supporting Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition
Deadline: 15 January 2017 The Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Clearinghouse is seeking proposals for its 10YFP Trust Fund with an aim to promote sustainability all along the food value chain, from farm to fork. It does so through concrete activities including in the areas of awareness … [Read more...] about 10 YFP Trust Fund: Supporting Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition
The Fonds SUEZ Environment Initiatives: Improving Access to Essential Services in Developing Countries
Deadline: 30 April 2017 Applicants are invited for The Fonds SUEZ Environment Initiatives that provides direct or indirect financial support and/or technical skills, via skills-based sponsorship and volunteer work by Group pesonnel. The Fonds SUEZ initiatives support projects for the development … [Read more...] about The Fonds SUEZ Environment Initiatives: Improving Access to Essential Services in Developing Countries
The Hilden Charitable Fund: Providing Grants for Projects in the UK and in Developing Countries
Deadline: 16 December 2016 The Hilden Charitable Fund is currently seeking applications to award grants to projects both in the UK and in developing countries with an aim to address disadvantages, notably by supporting causes which are less likely to raise funds from public subscriptions. Hilden’s … [Read more...] about The Hilden Charitable Fund: Providing Grants for Projects in the UK and in Developing Countries
Sustainable Water Fund: Improving Water Security and Flood Prevention in Developing Countries
Deadline: 31 December 2016 The Netherlands Enterprise Agency is seeking concept notes for Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) with an aim to contribute to inclusive green growth by improving water security and flood prevention in developing countries through public-private partnerships (PPPs). FDW … [Read more...] about Sustainable Water Fund: Improving Water Security and Flood Prevention in Developing Countries
Conservation, Food & Health Foundation: Inviting Applicants from Developing World
Deadline: 1 January 2017 The Conservation, Food and Health (CFH) Foundation is seeking concept applications from organisations to promote the conservation of natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and improve health in the developing world. The foundation helps build … [Read more...] about Conservation, Food & Health Foundation: Inviting Applicants from Developing World
10 YFP Trust Fund: Sustainable Food Systems Programme in Developing Countries
Deadline: 15 January 2017 Applications are open for "Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme" with an aim to promote sustainability all along the food value chain, from farm to fork. It does so through concrete activities including in the areas of awareness raising, capacity development, … [Read more...] about 10 YFP Trust Fund: Sustainable Food Systems Programme in Developing Countries
UNICEF Call for EOIs: Open Source Technology Solutions for Challenges faced by Children & Young People
Deadline: 1 January 2017 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) to provide funding for early-stage, open source technology solutions that address the most pressing challenges faced by children and young people. UNICEF will support … [Read more...] about UNICEF Call for EOIs: Open Source Technology Solutions for Challenges faced by Children & Young People
Magraret McNamara Education Grants 2017: Inviting Women from Developing Countries
Deadline: 15 January 2017 Applications are open for Magraret McNamara Education Grants 2017 (formerly known as MMMF) that will reward exceptional women from developing countries, who are at least 25 years old, and enrolled at universities in the US, Canada and select universities in South Africa … [Read more...] about Magraret McNamara Education Grants 2017: Inviting Women from Developing Countries
Japan Fund for Global Environment: Providing Grants to NGOs/NPOs engaged in Environmental Activities in Developing Countries
Deadline: Various For continued project: 14 December 2016 For new project: 16 January 2017 Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) is seeking applications to provide grant to Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Non Profit Organization (NPO) engaged in environmental activities. The Japan Fund … [Read more...] about Japan Fund for Global Environment: Providing Grants to NGOs/NPOs engaged in Environmental Activities in Developing Countries
EU Call for Proposals: Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Food Packaging
Deadline: 14 February 2017 The European Commission is currently seeking Proposals for its program titled- Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Food Packaging. Proposals should clearly address the problems associated with the scaling-up and commercialisation of eco-innovative solutions to packaging … [Read more...] about EU Call for Proposals: Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Food Packaging
Submit Your Entries to Apply for Food-Water-Energy Challenge!
Deadline: 31 December 2016 The Food-Water-Energy Challenge is open for applications and invites children and young people from around the world to submit a short 3 minute video which captures their understanding of the ways in which food, water and energy is produced, consumed and experienced in … [Read more...] about Submit Your Entries to Apply for Food-Water-Energy Challenge!
Applications Open for 2017 Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition!
Deadline: 12 June 2017 The Centre for Human Rights, based at the University of Pretoria, with the support of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, is seeking applicants for its 9th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition, will be held at … [Read more...] about Applications Open for 2017 Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition!
British Science Festival 2017: Bringing Cutting Edge Science to a Wider Audience
Deadline: 27 March 2017 The British Science Association is seeking applications for its "British Science Festival 2017" with a focus on showcasing cutting-edge science. The Association is looking for thought provoking events that offer new perspectives on scientific topics and stimulate discussion … [Read more...] about British Science Festival 2017: Bringing Cutting Edge Science to a Wider Audience
Netherlands Enterprise Agency: Sustainable Water Fund to Improve Water Security in Developing Countries
Deadline: 31 December 2016 The Netherlands Enterprise Agency is seeking proposals for its Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) with an aim to support Public Private Partnerships (PPP) that contribute to inclusive green growth by improving water security and water safety in developing countries. The FDW … [Read more...] about Netherlands Enterprise Agency: Sustainable Water Fund to Improve Water Security in Developing Countries
Applications Open for 2017 Barclays Techstars Accelerator- Africa Programme!
Deadline: 5 February 2017 Applications are open for 2017 Barclays Techstars Accelerator-Africa with an aim to help start-ups accelerate their growth and transform the African continent. With applications open to startups from anywhere in the world, 10 companies will ultimately be selected to move … [Read more...] about Applications Open for 2017 Barclays Techstars Accelerator- Africa Programme!
Applications Open for World Pulse Advance Digital Change-making Training Program for Women Worldwide
Deadline: 19 December 2016 Do you have a strong, clear vision for change that you are actively trying to bring to life? Do you want to take a great step towards becoming an Impact Leader? Do you want to amplify your vision, define your message and become an inspired leader? Are you involved in your … [Read more...] about Applications Open for World Pulse Advance Digital Change-making Training Program for Women Worldwide
Nestlé Foundation Call for LOIs: Supporting Research in Human Nutrition with Public Health
Deadline: 10 January 2017 The Nestlé Foundation is seeking letter of intent (LoI) for its various grant programs with an aim to initiate and support research in human nutrition with public health relevance in low-income and lower middle-income countries. The results of the research projects should … [Read more...] about Nestlé Foundation Call for LOIs: Supporting Research in Human Nutrition with Public Health
USAID Child Blindness Program: Increasing Global Knowledge of Pediatric Eye Care through Innovation
Deadline: 16 December 2016 Partners for Global Research and Development (PGRD), on behalf of the USAID Child Blindness Program (CBP) is seeking applications for the program entitled “USAID Child Blindness Program (CBP)” that aims to increase the number of children provided with quality eye care … [Read more...] about USAID Child Blindness Program: Increasing Global Knowledge of Pediatric Eye Care through Innovation
IMMANA Fellowships: Creating a Cadre of Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Research
Deadline: 1 February 2017 The Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts University and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine are pleased to announce the third of four planned rounds of Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Research (IMMANA … [Read more...] about IMMANA Fellowships: Creating a Cadre of Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Research