Deadline: 20-Nov-24
The UN Women is now inviting applications to promote action on gender responsive climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Focus Areas
- The focus will be on three key area, under the Outcome, cited above, aimed at strengthening the process of gender-responsive climate change adaptation and mitigation at both local and national levels:
- Strengthen the ‘Gender’ and ‘Climate Change’ Focal Point system in the government of Bangladesh in seven key Ministries:
- Strengthen MOEFCC’s capacity to monitor the implementation of CCGAP.
- Strengthen Bangladesh Climate Change Trust’s capacity to invest in gender-responsive climate adaptation.
Funding Information
- The budget range for this proposal should be (25,000,000 BDT – 27,500,000 BDT ).
Eligible Activities
- Output 1: Strengthen the ‘Gender’ and ‘Climate Change’ Focal Point system in the government of Bangladesh in seven target ministries.
- Provide technical and coordination support to engage and advocate with the key ministries and departments (7) on the implementation of CCGAP and their specific areas of engagement. This will entail regular meetings, briefings, and presentations on CCGAP and its implications for their work, as well as development of tailored/customised messaging for advocacy with each of the relevant ministries.
- Develop the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the ‘Gender’ and the ‘Climate Change’ focal points in the target Ministries. This should draw where possible on existing WID/ GFP ToRs and ensure these are further strengthened to support the implementation of the CCGAP. There should be extensive consultation process involving all the relevant Ministries (62 for Gender focal point and 25 for CC focal point) to finalise the draft TORs. The ToRs should be approved by key government ministries Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change. For this, the RP will be required to organise meetings and consultations with key government officials from MOWCA and MOEFCC to facilitate the process of approval.
- Design and implement a customised capacity development initiative for the ‘Gender’ and ‘Climate Change’ focal points in the target Ministries . This should include the following:
- capacity needs assessment
- baseline and endline survey to assess change in capacities
- a comprehensive capacity development package drawing on the Capacity needs assessment (CNA). The capacity development should focus on building knowledge and skills on gender mainstreaming, international and national frameworks on gender responsive climate change and practical tools to integrate gender responsive climate change interventions in their relevant sectors/departments. The training should enable each of the participants to develop action plans for themselves. The training modules should build on existing resources and curriculum as available.
- Provide accompaniment support to the Focal points( FPs) to implement the action plans and track its progress
- Hold follow up meetings/workshops to track and assess the level of implementation of the workplans, identify challenges, and discuss ways to mitigate those challenges.
- Document good practices on sectoral application/gender mainstreaming practices .
- In consultation with UN Women, explore collaboration with relevant training institutions such as PATC and PSC to institutionalise the training modules
- Output2: Strengthen MOEFCC’s capacity to monitor the implementation of CCGAP:
- Produce the economic costing of CCGAP with a timeframe aligned with NAP; support MOEFCC in coordination with UNDP to integrate CCGAP within NAP Develop a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework (M&EF) for CCGAP
- Provide capacity development support to MOEFCC and the other target Ministries (7) officials to effectively use the M&E tool to monitor the implementation status of the CCGAP. This should include training of approximately 90 officials (the gender and CC focal points of the target Ministries, MOEFCC officials, local level officials of the target Ministries from 2 Upazilas’ of each of the five Districts: Khulna, Satkhira, Coxs Bazar, Jamalpur and Kurigram). Training of the officials (100) from target Ministries at national, districts and Upazila level on the use of protocol and guideline of sex, age, and disability disaggregated data collection on disasters and climate change. The training should include key officials, e.g. from the Planning unit, gender focal points, climate change focal points, departmental staffs from local level. The RP should refer to existing training materials developed by UN Women and relevant government agencies such as BBS. The modules/content developed under component should be included in the comprehensive training package under Output 1. Akin to Output 1, the RP will be responsible for tracking change in capacities (baseline/endline data)
- Develop a Costed Work Plan only for MoEFCC on implementation of some key priorities from CCGAP for the Ministry in short and mid-term.
- Output3: Strengthen Bangladesh Climate Change Trust’s (BCCT) capacity to invest in gender-responsive climate adaptation
- Design and implement a customised capacity development initiative for the officials of the BCCT. This should include the following:
- Capacity needs assessment to assess the level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant key officials on gender equality issues
- Baseline and end line survey to assess change in capacities
- A comprehensive capacity development package drawing on the existing training resources. The training content should include gender equality, gender responsive climate adaptation, and climate financing. In consultation with UN Women, ensure linkages as appropriate with Output 1 and Output 2 for the capacity development The training should include relevant staff members of BCCT (20), as nominated by BCCT leadership.
- Provide training to officials of BCCT and the target ministries of the project (30, particularly the Planning unit officials) on the existing BCCT ‘Gender Guideline’ to help them know how to use the guideline to address gender aspects in the projects that BCCT review, fund and monitor.
- Develop a monitoring framework for BCCT to track their investments in gender responsive climate adaptation. The framework should include guidelines for data collection, analysis, and reporting.
- Prepare annual assessment report on the use of the gender guideline to assess adaptation projects.
- Explore possibility of institutionalising the training modules in consultation with UN Women.
- Design and implement a customised capacity development initiative for the officials of the BCCT. This should include the following:
- Output 1: Strengthen the ‘Gender’ and ‘Climate Change’ Focal Point system in the government of Bangladesh in seven target ministries.
- ToRs for ‘Gender’ and ‘Climate Change’ Focal Points
- Training module
- Capacity building training result report
- Work plans of the Focal Points
- Progress Reports on actions of ‘Gender’ and Climate Change’ focal points
- Output2: Strengthen MOEFCC’s capacity to monitor the implementation of CCGAP:
- Costed and time-bound plan for CCGAP
- Monitoring & Evaluation Framework on CCGAP
- Capacity building training result report
- Costed Work Plan for MoEFCC for CCGAP implementation
- Output3: Strengthen Bangladesh Climate Change Trust’s (BCCT) capacity to invest in gender-responsive climate adaptation:
- Capacity assessment report
- Training modules on gender equality, and ‘Gender Guideline’ of BCTT
- Capacity building training result report
- Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for BCTT
- Annual assessment report of the use of the Gender Guidelines
Eligibility Criteria
- UN Women invite qualified parties to submit Technical and Financial Proposals to provide services associated with the UN Women requirements for a Responsible Party.
- UN Women is soliciting proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Women’s organizations or entities are highly encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit UN Women.