Deadline: 30 September 2017
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat has launched the call for nominations for the seventh edition of the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards. The Awards will be presented at the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in October 2018.
Award Categories
Three Awards will be granted, and each recipient will receive the Evian Special Prize of US$10,000 kindly offered by the DANONE Group. The Award categories are:
- The Ramsar Convention Award for Wetland Wise Use, rewarding a contribution to the long-term sustainable use of wetlands;
- The Ramsar Convention Award for Wetland Innovation, rewarding an innovative technique that contributes to the wise use of wetlands; and
- The Ramsar Convention Award for Young Wetland Champions, rewarding a young person or a group of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who have contributed to the wise use of wetlands.
Eligibility Criteria
- Individuals and groups of all nations are invited to nominate individuals, institutions (including government institutions and non-governmental organizations and community groups), or private companies, of any nation.
- Nominees must be alive at the time of nomination. Awards will not be given posthumously.
- Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- Nominations of current members of the Ramsar Standing Committee, members and invited experts of Ramsar’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel, and Ramsar Secretariat staff members will not be accepted.
How to Apply
The nomination form for the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards can be downloaded via given website.
For more information, please visit Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards 2018.