Deadline: 1 September 2016
The filia.die frauenstiftung is inviting women’s organisations to apply for a one-year grant program which aims to support women and girls so they can realize their own ideas and projects for promoting social change and gender equality.
filia.die frauenstiftung directs 50% of her grantmaking budget to women’s organisations in South-East, Central and Eastern Europe.
The project aims for an increase of participation of women and girls in society, their participation in peace negotiations and peace process, activities and their fight against roll-back against women’s rights by conservative and fundamentalist forces. And/or it contributes to their freedom from violence including their safety and recovery from sexual violence during conflict and war, advocacy for sexual and reproductive rights and the strengthening of self-organising of refugee women.
Focus Themes
- Participation
- Freedom from violence
Funding Information: Grants of maximum 8.000 Euros for projects focusing on filia’s thematic priorities Participation and Freedom from Violence.
Eligibility Criteria
- The beneficiaries of the activities are women and girls, especially those exposed to multiple discrimination not just on the grounds of their sex and gender, but also because of discriminations of other grounds as defined in the International Human Rights Covenants as they are racial discrimination, abilities, age, gender identity or sexual orientation, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
- It also explicitly invite projects that strengthen women’s groups and registered associations in their fight for environmental justice, including awareness raising on and participation in climate change processes and actions especially to enhance women’s participation tackling root causes and developing gender just solutions.
- It invite activities that contribute to a sustainable culture of women’s rights activism by giving activists the opportunity to come together, pause for reflection and develop new impulses and strategies.
- It is desirable that girls and women from the targeted group be actively involved in planning and implementation; projects in which they themselves act as initiators and project leaders are preferred.
- The organisation has a clear strategy for securing its financial sustainability.
- The organisation must be registered. The organisations cannot support informal groups.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can download the application forms via given website.
Eligible Countries
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
For more information, please visit filia.die frauenstiftung.