The MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) was set up in 2007 with a generous contribution from the Government of Spain to the United Nations system for eradicating poverty and inequality and changing people’s lives around the world.
The Fund works together with and in support of citizens and their organizations as well as governments to implement programmes that helped advance the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) worldwide.
The Fund’s aim is to trigger real change for the better in people’s lives and to influence public policy, making it more responsive to the needs of the poor. It has supported 130 programmes in 50 countries around the world, piloting examples and supporting national programmes that could be scaled up into national policy frameworks.
The MDG Fund supported 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions of the world. These fell within the Fund’s eight thematic areas mentioned below.
Thematic Areas
- Children, Food Security and Nutrition
- Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
- Environment and Climate Change
- Youth, Employment and Migration
- Democratic Economic Governance
- Development and the Private Sector
- Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
- Culture and Development
Focus Regions
- Africa
- Arab States
- Aisa
- Eastern Europe
- The Americas