Deadline: 15 September 2016
The Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Campus France and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammentarbeit (GIZ) have jointly announced a call for proposals from young researchers or young qualified professionals for its MEETAfrica (Mobilization European for entrepreneurship in Africa).
This program aims to support (80) African entrepreneur’s graduates of French or German teaching in the creation, in their country of origin, companies with strong technological or carriers of innovative solutions in agriculture, industrial or services.
MEETAfrica is part of the Rabat Process, Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development. Funding for this support will be through the mobilization of an amount of up to 15,000 euros (benefit mainly possibly a limited number of missions in the host communities), consistent with the sheet road on the draft.
Funding Information
Subject to available funding a budget of 1.7 million euros, is financed under the Facility Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD).
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Be a national of one of the six project target countries (mentioned below)
- Be a resident or student home in France or Germany
- carrier be an innovative business creation project / technological nature in one of the six target countries
- Hold or being acquired a degree in French higher education level of bachelor, master, doctorate or post-doctorate
- Be under 35 years
How to Apply
Applicants must download the application form via given website.
Eligible Countries: Algeria, Cameroon, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia.
For more information, please visit MEETAfrica Call for proposals.
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