Deadline: 28 February 2017
Climate information Prize is seeking nominations for its Tekeleza Prize with an aim to award innovators that have helped their target community/ies use climate information to build their resilience to climate change.
The Climate Information Prize (CIP) is funded by UK Aid and works in partnership with the Kenya Meteorological Department. CIP awards cash prizes to entrepreneurs and innovators who come up with new solutions that use climate information in some way to supports vulnerable individuals, households and communities in Kenya.
Prize Information
The winners will receive cash prizes, with a maximum individual award of
- 1st place – US$200,000
- 2nd place – US$100,000
- 3rd place – US$50,000
- Runners up x 3 – US$25,000.
- Benefit: Applications must demonstrate how many people the initiative has benefited, with a particular focus on the poorest and most vulnerable groups. The benefit will also be a function of the quality of the service provided.
- Impact: Applications must demonstrate impact on the poorest and most vulnerable groups as a result of the initiative, particularly focusing on increased adaptive capacity in the face of climate risks.
- Viability: Applications must show evidence of short and medium term viability of the initiative’s financial model.
- Sustainability: Applications must demonstrate a potential for the initiative to be sustainable and replicable, both in terms of supporting adaptation to climate change, and in view of the initiative’s financial model.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applications will be accepted from individuals or organisations. Applicants may be international, national, or local/community-based, but must have a bank account to take part.
- No Kenyan government organisation (at state or county level) can lead an application, but are encouraged to become partner with an eligible organisation. Individuals working for a government organisation can partner or participate as an individual (with permission from the government organisation).
- Initiatives must use climate information to help vulnerable people in Kenya tackle current as well as future climate risks.
- Initiatives must target the poorest and must help marginalized groups, such as women, the youth, and the disabled.
- Applicants must specify the population and geographical area in Kenya the initiative will target.
- Applicants agree to work with the prize management to define simple monitoring indicators and supply regular data against these.
- All applicants must adhere to the rules and regulations set out in the Terms and Conditions.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply via given website.
For more information, please visit Tekeleza Prize.