Deadline: 28-Mar-23
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is pleased to announce the proposals for Scoping Study on Environmental Frames in Bangladesh.
The purpose of this RFP is to engage services of a Service Provider to conduct a preliminary study to understand how consumers in Bangladesh view environmental issues, and whether (and how) they see them as related to food and health. The study’s ‘target audience’ should be all consumers, but with a special focus on those families with children under the age of 15 years where feasible.
The main research question of this study is: What type of frames (i.e., ways of perceiving, thinking communicating, and persuading) are used when consumers in Bangladesh think and talk about the environment? The specific research questions for this study are:
- How is the environment discussed in popular culture/media? Is it connected to health or food in any way?
- What language, metaphors are used by consumers when discussing the environment?
- Does the environment feature in the target audience’s daily life, particularly as they think about food? If so, how?
- Does health feature in the target audience’s daily life, particularly as they think about food? If so, how?
- The objectives of the research study are to understand how environment and health feature among the population in general, with specific focus on families with children under the age of 15 years in Bangladesh.
Scope of Work and Deliverables
- Tasks:
- Draft study protocol including i) detailed guidelines for conducting scoping review, and ii) procedures for conducting key informant interviews and focus group discussions.
- Revise study protocol in response to GAIN feedback
- Conduct scoping review according to established protocol.
- Request ethical approval from local ethics committee.
- Prepare recruitment plan to ensure reaching the intended target audiences.
- Prepare training materials and brief data collection manual.
- Prepare all preliminary activities needed to conduct field work activities such as training staff, requesting local permission for field work.
- Test data collection instruments with target group. Refine instruments and data collection procedures based on results.
- Conduct data collection according to established protocol
- Develop a data analysis plan, including thematic analysis
- Transcribe audio files of FGDs and translate to English.
- Develop a PowerPoint presentation with preliminary results.
- Prepare final report.
- Participate in discussions with GAIN and partners regarding data analysis and interpretation.
Evaluation Criteria
- Proposals will be reviewed by the Selection Team. The following indicate a list of the significant criteria against which proposals will be assessed. This list is not exhaustive or 100% inclusive and is provided to enhance the applicants’ ability to respond with substance.
- Applicants are required to submit the following information, conforming to the guidelines given in this section:
- Understanding of the scope of work:
- Proposal shall demonstrate a clear understanding of the project objective and deliverables as outlined in Section I.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the technical requirements of this RFP:
- Providing detailed technical documentation of the proposed strategy.o Evidence of experience delivering solutions using the proposed information technology platform.
- The creative and methodological approaches required to implement each of the parts of the scope of work.
- Comprehensiveness of work plan and reasonableness of proposed time frame:
- Proposal shall include a feasible work plan to ensure successful completion of deliverables.
- The work plan details how activities will be coordinated.
- Detailed budget and cost-effectiveness of proposed approach:
- Evidence of cost-effective approaches to undertaking the scope of work within the proposed budget.
- Proposal shall identify possible challenges and include creative approaches to addressing them.
- Management and personnel plan:
- The team members working on this project shall have the relevant qualifications and overall experience required to successfully implement the project.
- Roles and responsibilities of each team member shall be clearly defined. GAIN shall have one main contact person clearly identified in the proposal.
- A duly completed offer of services.
- Understanding of the scope of work:
- GAIN reserves the right to contact the individuals and contractor(s) in order to verify the information provided as part of the Proposal.
For more information, visit GAIN.