Deadline: 30-Apr-24
UN-Habitat invites Expressions of Interest from academic or research institutions, Not-for-Profit Organizations, and Governmental and Inter-Governmental organizations to support the delivery of UN-Habitat’s Road Safety project “The Global Alliance of Cities for Road Safety” (ACROS), and specifically the implementation of the Road Safety Innovation Challenge “MyCityMyLife”.
The proposed Call for Expression of Interest recognizes that there is a great commitment from cities to accelerate their implementation towards better road safety – in alignment with all five pillars of the Safe Systems Approach (Safe Road Infrastructure, Multimodal Transport & Land Use Planning, Safe Vehicles, Safe Road Use, Post Crash Response) as stated in the Global Plan for Action 2021-2030 , at a moment when there is no time for further delays.
Cities need to urgently accelerate their efforts on road safety. Priority is still focused on car-oriented transport policies that facilitate highway development, high speeds and urban sprawl. This is exacerbated by the need for more data on road safety, poor enforcement mechanisms, limited resource allocation from the national to the local level, lack of relevant city policies and action plans, as well as outdated urban and transport planning regulations. While the emphasis of interventions often focuses on the national level, cities have a critical role in complementing these actions by reinforcing national policies and implementing projects on the ground.
The African and Eastern Mediterranean regions are among the fastest urbanising regions in the world. Many cities across these regions are dynamic hubs, bustling with formal and informal activities and an array of transport options. However, road safety remains one of the biggest public health and safety challenges, with regional rates of 26.6 and 17.9 deaths per 100,000 population, respectively, in each region. This situation is particularly alarming for vulnerable groups due to their age, gender, disability or poverty.
- The proposed collaboration under this call aims to enhance road safety in African and Eastern Mediterranean countries through the implementation of innovative pilot initiatives with the overall goal of reducing fatalities at the city and neighborhood levels, and with strong participation of vulnerable groups responding to local needs. Cities of interest are the following (but not limited to): Lusaka in Zambia; Kumasi in Ghana; Cape Town in South Africa; Hawassa in Ethiopia; Kampala in Uganda; Kigali in Rwanda; Kisumu, Mombasa and Nakuru in Kenya; Maputo and Quelimane in Mozambique; Monrovia in Liberia; Irbid in Jordan; Cairo and Sohag in Egypt; and Tyre in Lebanon).
Funding Information
- UN-Habitat will contribute financial resources up to USD 15,000 (Fifteen Thousand United States Dollars) for a maximum of 3 Agreements of Cooperation.
- The work outlined in this EOI is scheduled to commence by 1 July 2024 and completed by 31 December 2024.
Expressions of Interest
- The following activities shall be carried out by the selected partner in alignment with at least two or more pillars of the Safe Systems Approach:
- Co-plan and co-develop an innovative road safety initiative in a multi-stakeholder partnership and indicate its expected positive impact on road safety on the ground;
- Co-implement the proposed road safety initiative with a specific focus on the participation of groups living in vulnerable situations;
- Monitor the impact of the road safety initiative (i.e. increased road safety awareness, slower speeds, etc.)
- Develop at least one human impact story from the pilot (month 3 of the pilot)
- Submit an implementation report (month 6/Final month of the pilot)
- Provide evidence for improvements in the local context (after implementation report)
- Disseminate the project results through locally relevant Advocacy and Communication materials
For more information, visit UN-Habitat.