Deadline: 19-Dec-21
The call for COMPASS National and Regional Training Courses in Human Rights Education (NRTC’s) to be held in 2022 is open and invites to all interested candidate organizations to apply.
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe “Youth for Democracy” programme 2022-2025. It is aimed at supporting and/or co-funding national or regional projects for the implementation of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education through the training of trainers and multipliers in non-formal learning and youth work.
The training courses can be organised at the initiative of national youth organisations or institutions interested in advancing the provisions and quality of human rights education and implementing the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education.
The courses promoted through this call are to be organised at the initiative of national organisations or institutions interested in introducing and developing the provisions and quality of human rights education. As capacity-building activities, the courses should develop the competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) of key multipliers for human rights education such as youth leaders, trainers, youth workers, teachers and teacher trainers. They should also contribute to processes and initiatives for EDC/HRE at the national level initiated by youth organisations or other educational institutions. In other words: the courses are important both for the quality of the learning that they provide and for the potential that they have in promoting human rights education.
The activities to be included in the 2022 programme can receive three types of support from the Council of Europe:
- Educational support through a contracted trainer or an educational advisor of the Council of Europe
- Financial support in the form of a grant of up to 5 000 euro
- Institutional support
The support, including financial grants, will be awarded to support the design, implementation and evaluation of national or regional training courses for trainers and/or multipliers in human rights education with young people.
Funding Information
Based on previous experience, the Council of Europe intends to award activities with grants of an average of 5000 €.
Support provided by the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe provides three types of support for these activities:
- Financial support in the form of grants.
- Institutional support, in the form of recommendation letters to potential partners and funders; official Council of Europe representation; provision of educational materials, visibility of the activities in institutional Internet sites and documents; communication with publishers of Compass and Compasito translations.
- Educational support, by recommending or contracting a trainer(s) with relevant experience to be part of the educational team of the courses.
Prioritisation Criteria
Preference will be given to activity proposals which:
- Are organised in co-operation between two or more partner organisations;
- Are to be held in countries where newly published translations of Compass or Compasito can be introduced to key multipliers (e.g. trainers, youth leaders, school teachers, etc.)
- Are to be held in countries where no similar course has been organised in the past two years*;
- Foresee cooperation between the non-formal and formal educational sectors and actors;
- Are complementary to other priorities and activities of the Youth for Democracy programme.
* In 2020 and 2021 supported courses were held in Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Georgia, Azerbaijan, France, Hungary, Germany, Russian Federation, Turkey, Iceland, North Macedonia, Belgium, Italy.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for a grant, an applicant must:
- be one of the following: non-governmental youth organisations and/or other nongovernmental organisations; governmental organisations primarily those focused on human rights, youth and/or education; institutions involved in human rights education; national networks of human rights activists and/or human rights educators.
- be legally registered in a state party to the European Cultural Convention
- be entitled to carry out the activities described in its project proposal;
- have sufficient financial capacity (stable and sufficient sources of funding) to maintain its activity throughout the period for which the grant is awarded and to participate by way of its own resources (including human resources or in-kind contributions);
- have sufficient operational and professional capacity, including staff, to carry out activities described in its project proposal;
- have a bank account.
Note: Multiple applications are not allowed and shall lead to the exclusion of all applications concerned.
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