Deadline: 21-Jul-21
Applications are now open for the School Enterprise Challenge, it is a free educational programme that teaches business and life skills. It supports teachers and students to set up a REAL business at their school.
The School Enterprise Challenge is an international business programme for schools. It helps young people all around the world to develop business skills and essential life skills.
Award Information
There is $28,000 in prizes available for the most entrepreneurial schools, teachers and students.
The School Enterprise Challenge is made up of 3 Award Levels:
- Bronze Level: All new teams start on this level. It is also suitable for very young learners (pre-primary and primary). On this level, students get to discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship. They will be introduced to the basic concepts through the educational materials (Business Guides and Informative Videos).
- Silver Level: This level is only available to teams that have achieved the Bronze Level (previously received the Bronze Level Certificate). On this level, students have two options:
- Option 1: Continue with the business which they set up on the Bronze Level, and develop it further.
- Option 2: Start a completely new business, based on the learnings from the Bronze Level, and do it better!
- Gold Level: This level is only available to teams that have:
- Achieved the Silver Level (previously received the Silver Level Certificate) and are running a profitable school business.
- Achieved the Gold Level (previously received the Gold Level Certificate – please note there is currently no level beyond the Gold Level).
- Benefits for STUDENTS include:
- Learn essential life skills: communication, teamwork, leadership
- Be part of an international movement
- Benefits for TEACHERS include:
- Develop new teaching techniques
- Enhance your CV
- Chance to win cash prizes
- Benefits for SCHOOLS include:
- Generate extra income for the school
- Build links with the community
- Chance to win cash prizes
Eligibility Criteria
- Any school from any country can take part.
- This includes pre-primary, primary schools, secondary schools and technical/vocational colleges.
- Universities are not eligible to take part.
- All participating teams who submit a Business Idea by 21st November 2021 will be eligible for Business Idea Prizes.
- All participating teams who submit a Business Plan by 21st November 2021 will be eligible for Business Plan Prizes.
- All participating teams who submit an Annual Report by 21st November 2021 will be eligible for Implementation Prizes.
- The full list of prize winners for the 2021 programme will be announced in February/March 2022.
For more information, visit