Deadline: 17-Nov-20
The EU TACSO 3 is offering a unique learning and development opportunity to civil society organisations from the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT) through its Strategic Mentoring Programme. The Programme is a part of EU TACSO 3 Capacity Development and People to People (P2P) Programme.
It enables interested and qualified organisations to get in-depth mentoring support to improve areas of their work according to their needs and in line with EU TACSO 3 project priorities.
- Provide practical and in-depth mentoring support by mentors/experts to CSOs in the WBT;
- Supported organisations improve specific areas of their work, including the internal organisational capacity and tangible outcomes in the given area.
Focus Areas
- Strategy Building;
- Monitoring and Evaluation;
- Funding Strategies and Diversified Fundraising;
- Communication Strategies and Digital Literacy;
- Rights-Based Approach and Gender Mainstreaming;
- Participation in Decision-Making, including Research, Advocacy and Campaigning;
- Information Activism and Data Visualisation;
- Internal Governing Structures and Organisational Development;
- Constituency Building and Activism;
- Networking and others.
Funding Information
- The maximum amount for activity-related costs is:
- For the on-line type of mentor support: up to 4,000 EUR;
- For mentor support to be conducted in a physical setting (pending conditions and approval from the EU TACSO 3:
- in case of regional CSOs/networks and activities: up to 15,000 EUR;
- in case of national-level CSOs and activities: up to 4,000 EUR.
- Duration of support: several months to maximum one year.
- Benefits for CSOs:
- Mentoring support by the expert(s) in a targeted area over the period of several months to one year;
- Improved CSO capacity/staff learning in specific areas;
- Tangible outcomes in the form of strategy/policy/system etc.
- It is expected that approximately 10 CSOs will be selected for mentoring support.
Eligible Activities
- The core of mentoring support consists of assigning an expert (or a team of experts) who will support the organisation over a period of several months up to one year in the development of the certain organisational area, including the process of learning/capacity building and the production of specific outputs (strategies, policies, systems etc.).
- Mentoring support sessions can be one-off or a combination of facilitation of workshops, training, individual team members’ coaching; on-line sessions; practical work on documents etc.
- CSOs should propose specific activities to be realised under the mentoring process in the Application form, which will be fine-tuned with mentors and approved by EU TACSO 3.
- When proposing activities, please have in mind the ongoing COVID-19 pandemics and that official protocols on gatherings and events in location the activities are to take place need to be observed.
Note: EU TACSO 3 is currently organising and supporting its activities only through on-line tools. Therefore, with the continuation of the pandemics, organisations are encouraged to prioritise mentorship support that could be realised through online tools and activities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Beneficiaries
- The Programme is primarily aimed at CSOs such as national and regional thematic networks;
- CSOs experience in leading complex EU projects;
- women CSOs; grassroots and movements;
- CSO implementing sub-granting schemes;
- human rights organisations etc.
Selection Criteria
- Proposed mentoring support sessions are listed under the Priority focus areas;
- Proposed mentoring support sessions have clear objectives;
- Proposed mentoring support sessions will result in concrete outputs such as the strategy of the organisation; gender equality policy; communication strategy; advocacy strategy/campaign or brief/paper; a system of internal governance; etc.;
- Proposed monitoring support sessions are of strategic importance for the organisation;
- Organisation/network has the capacity to manage the mentoring process;
- Organisation’s leadership is committed to the process and is accountable to relevant stakeholders;
- Activities, timeline and budget are relevant, clear and realistic;
- Ability and willingness of CSOs to share and replicate knowledge and outputs.
For more information, visit