Deadline: 3 December 2018
The Wellcome Trust is seeking applications for its Innovator Awards: Digital Technologies to support researchers who are transforming great ideas into digital healthcare innovations that could have a significant impact on human health.
- staff
- materials and consumables
- animals
- access charges
- research management and support costs
- travel and subsistence
- overseas allowances
- contract research organisations
- inflation allowance
- publication costs
- project management costs
- clinical research costs
- other costs
- cloud computing resources
- data storage
Funding Information
Funding up to 2 years
Eligibility Criteria
- Innovator Awards: Digital Technologies are open to researchers who are developing digital healthcare innovations that could have a significant and measurable impact on human health.
- Individuals and teams from not-for-profit and commercial organisations can apply.
- Organisations can be of any size, based anywhere in the world.
- Funded organisations must sign up to their grant conditions
- Researchers working in any discipline and on any type of digital technology can apply. Examples of digital technologies include:
- intelligent: artificial intelligence and machine learning
- data driven: data analytics and informatics
- immersive: virtual and augmented reality
- connected: internet of things (IoT), networks and sensors.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted through the Wellcome Trust Grant Tracker (WTGT).
For more information, please visit Wellcome Trust.