Deadline: 30-Jun-23
DEVELOPPP is excited to announce its Classic Ideas Competition.
The competition takes place four times a year and is open to all companies that meet the programme’s conditions of participation. Applications are submitted directly to one of the two implementing partners: DEG Impulse gGmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
What is being promoted?
- Through develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports socially and environmentally responsible transformation in the private sector in developing countries and emerging markets. Aspects of this include ensuring a sustainable energy supply and the more responsible use of natural resources, as well as fair participation for women in different economic processes, fair access to health care services and long-term food security. As part of the develoPPP Classic ideas competition, particular consideration is therefore given to project proposals that contribute measurably to improvement in these areas.
- In concrete terms, this can mean:
- Improving environmental and social standards in supply chains
- Creating decent jobs and improved working conditions
- Supporting women and marginalised groups, in particular, with careers and entrepreneurship
- Implementing measures that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Taking measures to protect the natural environment, for example through sustainable cultivation methods, saving water in production processes, and avoiding and recycling waste
- Creating access to health care services
- Diversity and Gender: Equality for women is also an important issue for companies.
- Environment and Climate:Companies can make important contributions to mitigating climate change and protecting the environment.
- Sustainable supply chains:There are many ways to make supply chains sustainable.
Eligibility Criteria
Conditions of participation for ideas competition
- Company
- Company has majority private ownership and is profit-oriented
- Company is registered in the EU, a member country of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) or a country on the OECD DAC
- The company must have a positive net income as well as sufficient equity capital and liquidity to ensure the required contribution
- A minimum of two audited annual financial statements available
- Annual turnover of at least EUR 800,000
- A minimum of eight employees
- Company and/or partners have staff resources and specialist qualifications required to carry out the project
- Products/services outside sensitive business areas (e.g. armaments, alcohol)
- Project
- Project country is on the develoPPP Classic country
- Project would not come about without develoPPP support (subsidiarity)
- Project is not required by law
- Project will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Nature and extent of planned changes are measurable over the project duration
- Project makes good business sense, but is not directly relevant to earnings (promotion of core business is excluded as a general rule)
- Project design is coherent, objectives and activities are realistic and cost-benefit ratio is appropriate
- Project will create structures to ensure the sustainability of results and changes achieved.
For more information, visit develoPPP.