Deadline: 15-Aug-20
The Training is a follow-up to the 19th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights (ASEMHRS19) held in Tromsø, Norway, on the theme, “Human Rights Education & Training”. Since 2017, the ASEMHRS Training has served as the capacity-building component on human rights to support the Seminar’s overall objective of promoting mutual understanding and co-operation on human rights issues among ASEM Partners. This year’s capacity-building programme on the same Seminar topic will be held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The topic of this year’s ASEMRS19 Training will be covering Human Rights-Compliant Policing. The Training aims to equip and instruct law enforcement officers with a non-coercive, efficient, and human rights-compliant toolbox for conducting interviews with victims, witnesses, and suspects of crime. The capacity-building program will present international guidelines on Investigative Interviewing and other non-coercive techniques, intended to support law enforcement investigations by outlining standards and practices for efficient and torture-free investigations.
This is a fully-funded training and organised in partnership with the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) at the University of Oslo.
The main objective of the training programme is to build capacity of law enforcement (primarily), and members of the judiciary in ASEM partner countries on the evidence-based and human rights-compliant Investigative Interviewing technique and its associated safeguards.
Target Participant
All applicants should demonstrate that they have minimum 5 years of practical and/or theoretical experience with interviewing procedures and/or criminal procedural law, in addition to other qualifications.
Training Format
- The training will require each successful applicant to devote approximately 12 hours of focus time over the course of 2 months. It will comprise of live lectures, which will be conducted via Zoom, recommended readings, group works and pre-recorded lectures. Details of the programme, including schedule of the sessions and module topics, will be shared with selected participants.
- Selected participants will also have access to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) training modules on Investigative Interviewing once these modules are completed and published (tentatively October-November 2020).2 The estimated time for completing the modules are not included in the 12-hour estimate for participant focus time.
Selection Criteria
- Minimum 5 years of experience as a police investigator (detective) or as a public prosecutor with practical/or theoretical experience with interviewing procedures and/or criminal procedural law;
- ASEM nationality;
- Professional proficiency in English; and
- Letter of endorsement from his/her organization.
Senior representatives of relevant CSOs and other public institutions involved in promoting and upholding the rule of law are also eligible to apply.
For more information, visit