Deadline: 31-Aug-22
The L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents for Women in Science Program is now open to support the involvement of young women in scientific research.
The L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents for Women in Science program aims to promote and support the involvement of young women in scientific research.
This program identifies and rewards talented young women researchers in life and environmental sciences, material sciences, mathematics, computer and information sciences, engineering and technology.
For this 15th edition, 5 endowments will be awarded to encourage young female researchers currently in doctoral or post-doctoral studies to pursue a brilliant scientific career.
- The doctoral candidates must be enrolled in a doctoral school and in a research laboratory in one of the following countries Morocco Algeria Tunisia or Libya and have started their doctorate by December 2020 at the latest.
- The awarded post-doctoral fellows will each receive an endowment of €10,000. They must work in a laboratory or a research institute in the same countries.
Award Information
The candidates rewarded receive an endowment of one amount of 10,000 euros each.
- The Doctoral Students: rewarded will receive each year endowment of one amount of €10,000.
- The Post-Doctoral Students : rewarded will receive each year endowment of one amount of €10,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be enrolled in at least the second year of a doctorate (female doctoral candidates),
- Be in post-doctoral studies and have defended their thesis before the call for applications (post-doctoral candidates),
- To carry out her research work in the following countries Morocco Algeria Tunisia or Libya, in the fields of life and environmental sciences, matter, engineering, mathematics, computer and information sciences,
- Do not have permanent position before receiving the Award.
- Doctoral Students
- The endowment to destination from doctoral students aims to reward from candidates:
- Of Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian or Libyan nationality registered in a doctoral school of their country and realizing their doctorate in a laboratory of research in their country.
- Having started their thesis to more late in december 2021 (be to less in 2 nd year of thesis).
- Continui ng from research in mon from scientific fields.
- Note:
- The doctoral students who support their thesis to Classes of the call to candidacy (of April to August 2022), have to apply in the category “post-doctoral student” and to propose a new project of research specific and different from that’s why I wrote to you of project of thesis.
- The candidates having already been supported by mon from programs Youth talent, national Where regional L’O real-UNESCO For the Women and the Science, not are not eligible.
- Post-Doctoral Students
- The endowment to destination post-docs aims to reward from candidates:
- Of nationality Moroccan, Algerian Tunisian, or Libyan realizing their post doctorate in a laboratory of research of their country.
- Having start their post-doctorate before the date of opening of the call to candidacy, in April 2022 Where having a letter of laboratory reception attesting the start of post doctorate at more late to the date of the end of the call to candidacy.
- Continui ng from research in mon from areas scientists.
For more information, visit