Deadline: 07-Jun-2024
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is pleased to announce that funding is available through the 2024 Rural Community Innovations: Transportation Planning Grant!
- The purpose of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center’s Rural Community Innovations: Transportation Planning Grant is to offer funding for communities to develop a transportation plan that addresses accessibility and equity. Planning activities will identify transportation barriers, consider current and future community needs, actively engage older adults and people with disabilities in the process, and create or strengthen multi-sector collaborative partnerships. Ultimately, selected grantees are expected to develop a written plan of action to guide implementation of strategies supported by the community to increase the availability of accessible and equitable transportation services.
Funding Information
- A maximum of $35,000 per grantee will be awarded. The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center expects to award up to $420,000.
- Length of Grant: Approximately 9 months
- The following deliverables are a requirement of the grant project. These deliverables are essential in ensuring the project requirements are achieved:
- A roster of committed multi-sector partners comprised of organizational partners as well as current riders and potential transportation users that act as an advisory committee.
- A summary of the activities and findings from the engagement process that identifies the community’s needs and assets and is supported with relevant data and information that has been gathered in the planning process.
- A written plan of action, which includes the identification of solutions and priorities that emerge from the planning process and a framework for implementation and measuring performance. The plan must include strategies for building support for the proposed solution/strategy/program within the applicant’s organization, among transportation, aging and disability stakeholders, and from older adults, people with disabilities and their family caregivers living in the community.
Outputs and Outcomes
- Selected grantees will be required to identify and track performance measures, including outputs and outcomes, to demonstrate progress throughout the grant period.
- Output measures are the products and services delivered and help track the volume of work accomplished.
- Examples of outputs may include:
- Number of older adults involved;
- Number of people with disabilities involved;
- Number of advisory committee meetings;
- Number of focus groups.
- Outcome measures represent the specific results the grant project is intended to achieve. Outcomes are measurable and identify, in precise ways, how the grant project will impact the community.
- Examples of outcomes may include:
- Development of an action plan that addresses access and equity in the targeted rural area;
- Support obtained for the action plan that was created.
Eligibility Criteria
- This grant opportunity is targeted to rural areas. Using the Federal Transit Administration’s definition as a reference, rural areas are defined as nonurbanized areas with a population of less than 50,000. A regional organization located outside of rural area can be the applicant for these grant funds if the project will focus on an eligible rural area.
- Applications must be submitted by public transportation, aging, or disability organizations. Eligible recipients or subrecipients of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program are encouraged to apply.
- Eligible applicants are local and regional private nonprofit or government organizations, including:
- Area Agencies on Aging
- Centers for Independent Living
- Community Action Agencies
- Community organizations involved in the administration, delivery, or coordination of public transit, human services transportation, aging, or disability services.
- Councils of Government
- Disability service organizations
- Metropolitan or Rural Planning Organizations. A regional organization located outside of rural area can be the applicant for these grant funds if the project will focus on an eligible rural area.
- Public transit agencies
- Tribal agencies (e.g., Title VI Aging Programs, Tribal Transit Agencies)
- Note: For-profit organizations are not eligible to apply; however, applicants may coordinate with all transportation providers in the community, including for-profit transportation providers.
For more information, visit NADTC.