Deadline: 26-Oct-20
Active Citizens Fund has announced a Call for sectoral innovations which is designed to strengthen sustainability of Croatian CSOs active in all five-priority areas of the Programme and in respect to country specific priorities, by supporting sectoral and inter-sector partnerships that respond to common, structural challenges with innovative sectoral solutions.
Main objective of the Programme on the EU level is ‘Civil society and active citizenship strengthened and vulnerable groups empowered’. Programme is based on common values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.
Community Foundation Slagalica, in consortium with SOLIDARNA – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity, Association for Civil Society Development SMART and CNVOS – Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of CSOs, acting as the Fund operator (FO) for the EEA Grants Programme Active Citizens Fund in Croatia.
Priority Areas
- Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency,
- Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity,
- Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups,
- Gender equality and gender-based violence,
- Environment and climate change.
Funding Information
- Budget for sectoral innovation projects is € 600.000,00.
- The grant requested must be between following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Minimum: € 150.000,00,
- Maximum: € 200.000,00.
- The applicants may ask for 100 % of an eligible expenditure of a project.
- Project duration is 36 months.
Focus of the Call
- The Call for sectoral innovations is designed to strengthen sustainability of Croatian CSOs active in all five-priority areas of the Programme and in respect to country specific priorities, by supporting sectoral and inter-sector partnerships that respond to common, structural challenges with innovative sectoral solutions.
- This Call strives to respond to the recognized overall need for substantial strategic support to wider clusters of organizations within the sector, ready to devise innovative solutions to structural challenges faced by CSO sector in Croatia.
- Though partnership (applicant and minimum 3 partner organizations) based, multi-year, strategically oriented action, call for sectoral Innovation projects will address one or a set of inter-related structural challenges and provide sector-wide solutions that build upon the lessons learned from the past, in an innovative manner that enables long-term improvements that strengthen sustainability of the CSOs.
Expected Outcomes
- Enhanced capacity and sustainability of civil society (organisations and sector)
- Capacity-building provided to CSOs
- Partnerships between CSOs supported
- CSOs’ outreach to citizens and local communities supportedEligibility Criteria
- Eligible applicants are civil society organisations (CSOs) established in Republic of Croatia if they meet following definition:
- A non-profit voluntary organization established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organizations. Religious institutions and political parties are not considered NGOs.
- Eligible applicants shall abide by the principles of democratic values and human rights.
- More specifically, eligible candidates must meet the following general conditions:
- Are non-profit organizations that have not been created nor operate to generate personal profit.
- Have members who do not have any direct commercial interest in the outcome of the work of the organizations or of its commercial activities and should not pursue the commercial or professional interests of their members.
- Are voluntary in nature, formed voluntarily by groups or individuals and usually involving an element of voluntary participation in the organization.
- Act in the public arena and for the public good on concerns and issues related to the well-being of people, groups or society as a whole.
- A project must be implemented in partnership with at least three (3) project partners. At least two (2) project partners must be CSOs established and registered in Croatia.
For more information, visit