Deadline: 03-Mar-2025
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Child Protection Activity program.
The Ghana Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity (APCCA) Child Protection Activity will support the government’s efforts to provide safe and nurturing care for children, including adolescents in selected areas in Ghana, in ways that promote the realization of the full potential of vulnerable children and adolescents.
The primary purpose of the Child Protection, Care and Development Activity is to empower children and families to provide a safe and nurturing care environment for the holistic development of children, especially in vulnerable households.
This will be achieved through interventions that: improve knowledge, skills, and livelihoods; develop positive social norms; and strengthen systems for the provision of effective, integrated and inclusive services and support for vulnerable children and their families.
- Strengthened child, family and community capacity for child protection, development, and care: Family strengthening interventions are essential to building the capacity of households for the holistic development of children. The activity will strengthen family capacities in two key areas in order to make homes a safe and nurturing environment for children: improving parenting knowledge and skills, and through inclusive economic growth. Further, the activity will bolster protective social norms and mitigate harmful practices, while empowering children and adolescents to be agents of change, particularly those with lived experience.
- Strengthened systems for child protection, development, and care: The activity will contribute to strengthening the child protection, care, and development systems to provide support services to vulnerable households, with a strong focus on children with disabilities and their families, children at risk of family separation or living outside of family care, children at risk of or exposed to violence and adolescent girls at risk of or in child, early and forced marriage and unions and teen pregnancy.
- The activity will focus on the following four key areas in close collaboration with the Government of Ghana and UNICEF:
- strengthening the delivery of integrated social services;
- strengthening district and community social service workforce;
- strengthening the coordination and financing of child protection, development, and care services; and
- fortifying the implementation of the national care reform policy framework.
Funding Information
- USAID intends to award one Cooperative Agreement pursuant to this NOFO. Subject to funding availability and at the discretion of the Agency, USAID intends to provide $9,999,862 in total USAID funding over a {five years} year period.
Target Population
- The activity will target marginalized children under 18. Specifically, the activity’s interventions will target the following adversities and vulnerabilities that children and their families face:
- Marginalized Children
- Children at risk of family separation or separated from their families, with a focus on children living in residential care and children with disabilities;
- Children at risk of or exposed to violence, abuse and exploitation, especially girls and children with disabilities;
- Children with disabilities;
- Adolescent girls (aged 10 to 19 years) at risk of and affected by CEFMU and adolescent pregnancy;
- Vulnerable children aged 0 to 8 who need tailored early childhood development interventions, with a focus on children with disabilities.
- Families of vulnerable children, including adolescent caregivers.
- Young people who live in/or are leaving residential care.
Geographic Focus
- The activity will be implemented in selected areas in Northern, North-East, Savannah, Upper East, and Greater Accra regions.
Expected Results
- This activity will address the root causes of child protection, development, and care concerns, and strengthen families to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the development of children. This project will result in improved families’ resilience, positive parenting practices, and children’s sense of well-being; improved protective social and gender norms for children, particularly for children with disabilities, and a decrease in the number of children living outside of family care, as well as families at risk of CEFMU and adolescent pregnancy. Government delivery of integrated social services will be strengthened and the social service workforce capacity enhanced. Coordination and financing of child protection will be increased at both central and decentralized levels.
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted. It is open to all entities that can meet the requirements to receive USAID assistance.
- Organizations eligible to apply under this NOFO include, but are not necessarily limited to, U.S. and non-US non-profit or for profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private voluntary organizations, foundations, colleges and universities, civic groups, community institutions, philanthropic organizations, advocacy groups and faith-based organizations.
- Additionally, USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
- For profit applicants should note that USAID policy prohibits the payment of fee/profit to the prime recipient under grants and cooperative agreements.
- Interested and eligible organizations and entities may submit no more than one (1) application[s] under this NOFO.
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