Deadline: 20-Jan-25
The Inverclyde Council is now inviting applications for the Community Grants Fund to support community, sports and voluntary organisations.
Funds are available towards operational, project and fee waiver costs where activities contribute to the quality of life of the people of Inverclyde.
- Inverclyde’s commitment is “Success for All – Getting it Right for Every Child, Citizen and Community”.
- The five strategic priorities are:
- Empowered People
- Communities can have their voices heard and influence the places and services that affect them. Gaps in outcomes linked to poverty are reduced.
- Working People
- More people will be in sustained employment, with fair pay and conditions. Poverty related gaps are addressed, so young people can have the skills for learning, life and work. Businesses are supported and encouraged to reduce their carbon footprint and develop green jobs.
- Healthy People and Places
- People live longer and healthier lives. Supportive systems are in place to prevent alcohol and drug misuse. The natural capital is looked after, and they are effectively adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change.
- A Supportive Place
- Vulnerable adults and children are protected and supported, ensuring they can live safely and independently. They recognise where people are affected by trauma and respond in ways that prevent further harm and support recovery. Public protection and community safety are improved through targeting the resources to reduce the risk of offending and harm.
- A Thriving Place
- Growth in the working age population by encouraging people to stay here and attracting new people to settle here. Development of strong community-based services that respond to local need. Homes are energy efficient and fuel poverty is reduced. Increased use of active travel and sustainable transport options. Easy access to attractive and safe public spaces, and high-quality arts and cultural opportunities.
- Empowered People
- Facilities/Core Costs;
- Project Costs;
- Fee Waivers
Eligibility Criteria
- You can only apply for the grants if:
- Your group/organisation are actively based and provide services in Inverclyde
- Applying as a sports club, you are actively operating, training and playing in Inverclyde or setting up to do so
- You are a non-profit group or a voluntary sports club which has an Under 19 section/ players
- You have Public Liability Insurance (where applicable)
- You have a constitution, set of rules or Memorandum and Articles of Association which is dated and signed as ‘adopted’ by an office bearer on behalf of your group
- You have a bank or building society account which requires at least two signatures on each cheque or withdrawal
- You can spend the grant within one year of the date of the award letter
Ineligibility Criteria
- They will not:
- Give grants to cover goods or services that you order or receive before the date on the award letter
- Give grants to cover core salary costs
- Fund activities which have closed membership or that discriminate against other groups or residents of Inverclyde
For more information, visit Inverclyde Council.