Deadline: 01-Oct-20
The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) is seeking applications for its Community Grant Program to support the delivery of programs and services in communities throughout Saskatchewan.
The vision of the CIF is to enhance quality of life for all Saskatchewan people, including those who:
- Experience barriers to participation in community programs (e.g., financial, physical, etc.)
- Are First Nations people living off-reserve
- Are Métis people
- Are newcomers to Canada
- Live in rural or remote areas of the province including Northern Saskatchewan
Funding Themes
- Healthy growth and development of children and youth: The CIF provides grants to programs that support the development of children and youth, providing young children with a good start in life and preparing youth for the future.
- Individual and community wellbeing: The CIF provides grants to programs for all ages that support healthy lifestyles, supportive and inclusive communities, and provide access to programs and services.
- Nonprofit and community leadership: The CIF provides grants to support initiatives that provide training and resources for nonprofit staff, Board members and volunteers to improve program delivery, governance and leadership, and the involvement of volunteers.
Funding Information
- Maximum of $25,000/local project
- Maximum of $50,000/provincial project
Eligibility Criteria
- An incorporated Saskatchewan nonprofit organization whose primary purpose and activities are to benefit Saskatchewan communities; or
- A municipality, health region, school or school board proposing community-based, community-led projects; and
- In good standing with the CIF (e.g., there are no outstanding reports or re-payments).
For more information, visit