Deadline: 21-Oct-20
The Australian High Commission in Kenya is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program, which is designed to provide financial assistance to eligible groups or organisations undertaking suitable small-scale development projects.
Areas of focus for this round are the rights and empowerment of women and girls, disability inclusion and COVID-19 response and recovery. Activities may run up to a maximum of two years. In certain cases, consideration may be given to contributions to disaster relief operations.
Projects must be self-sustaining and recurrent/ongoing costs will not be supported (e.g. salaries/rental/utility costs, micro credit schemes or any other project that involves return of money, etc.). Projects that demonstrate a high level of local contribution (financially and/or in kind) are encouraged.
DAP projects cover a range of sectors such as education, health, water and sanitation, environmental protection, women’s empowerment and gender equality, supporting people with disabilities, economic livelihoods, food security and human rights. They engage a wide range of partners including community groups, non-government organisations, educational institutions and local governments.
Funding Information
- Direct Aid Program grants are awarded to a maximum of AUD 60,000 (approximately USD 42,296 at time of publishing).
The program is founded on a set of principles which:
- Advance developmental outcomes in countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA) through projects primarily focused on practical and tangible results. This may include projects which support good governance, human rights and those with a strong advocacy component;
- Support Australia’s wider foreign and trade policy interests and public diplomacy objectives, including promoting a distinctive and positive image of Australia; and
- Allow for a wide geographic reach reflecting that Australia has global interests and that DAP provides an effective way to build relationships and maintain Australia’s profile.
- Background on the group/organisation requesting assistance;
- A description of the project and its objectives;
- An accurate financial breakdown of costs involved (invoices must be attached to substantiate costings);
- A Risk Management Strategy that (if relevant) includes assessment of risks to children;
- Timeframe for implementing the project;
- Copy of organisation’s registration certificate;
- Referees.
- If your application is missing required information it will be considered incomplete and will not proceed to shortlisting. Final decisions on funding of projects will depend on various factors, including the cost of an individual project, its merits in comparison to other requests for assistance, and the availability of funds under the Direct Aid Program. Approved projects will be subject to stringent monitoring, including financial acquittal, which should be complete and fully accounted on the date as agreed in the grant agreement letter. Any funds not expended by that date must be returned to the Australian Government.
- The applicant should undertake to keep the community in the project area informed that the funding was provided by the Australian Government and, where possible, some form of permanent reminder should be created, identifying Australian Government support for the project.
For more information, visit