Deadline: 30-Jul-21
The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) is seeking applications for its Moses Mapesa Research Grant Program to support young professionals conducting research at Doctoral or Masters’s levels in the field of either natural or cultural heritage at an African university.
The AWHF was launched in 2006 in South Africa to support African State Parties in implementation of the UNESCO Convention of 1972 concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention).
Funding Information
Grant amounts will vary depending on research proposals, with a maximum award of USD Five Thousand (5,000.00). The fieldwork research needs to be conducted in no longer than 9 months from the signature of the contract (May 2022 to February 2023). The award will support research projects focused on the following topics related to a World Heritage or a tentative listed site in Africa:
- Traditional Management Systems;
- Risk management and preparedness;
- Heritage in Conflict and Post-conflict situations;
- Heritage management and conservation;
- Heritage and Climate Change;
- Heritage and Economics/Entrepreneurship;
- Heritage and Sustainable Development;
- Heritage Promotion and Awareness;
- Heritage and Digital Technologies;
- Heritage and Law.
Eligibility Criteria
The call is open to students who are:
- Currently or will be registered in 2022 in a Doctoral or Masters programme (Masters 2 for Francophone countries) at an African university and conducting dissertation research in the field of either natural or cultural heritage at an African World Heritage Site;
- Fluent in English, French or Portuguese;
- Citizens of an African Union Member State which is party to the World Heritage Convention.
Selection Process
An inter-disciplinary and cross-regional selection committee will review the applications. The following items will be strongly considered during selection:
- Eligibility of applicant;
- Completed application package (application form, CV, motivation letter, transcript & complete research proposal);
- Quality and relevance of the research proposed;
- Gender, language and geographic balance.
For more information, visit