Deadline: 13-May-2024
Are you a recognised Belgian civil society organisation or a non-profit organisation and do you want to launch to raise awareness of global citizenship education among young people in Brussels? Brussels International is launching a new Call for Projects, at the initiative of State Secretary for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.
The Brussels-Capital Region wants to contribute to the eradication of poverty around the world and is therefore joining efforts with Belgium and the international community to bring about sustainable development and a fairer world. These efforts are part of the new United Nations framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Brussels-Capital Region is aware of the increasingly important role of regional and local authorities in development cooperation and is keen to help achieve these objectives. The BCR is therefore launching a call for projects, for the sixth consecutive year, to raise people’s awareness about global and inclusive citizenship in the margin of its development cooperation policy.
To build a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable world, this year’s call for projects will focus on the theme of intercultural dialogue. Projects will have to address this theme, which is linked to a number of topical issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, decolonisation, migration, etc.
- This call for projects pursues two objectives:
- To make the North-South inequalities easier to understand for young people in Brussels in order to improve the lives and circumstances of populations in developing countries in particular and in the world in general;
- To promote actions that have already been implemented and/or are currently being implemented by Brussels stakeholders for the benefit of developing countries in order to highlight the diversity of Brussels solidarity in the world.
Funding Information
- With this call for projects, the Brussels-Capital Region wishes to provide support to a maximum number of projects in the range of €5,000 to €25,000.
- A budget of 200,000 euros is planned for this call for projects.
- The project must begin no earlier than November 1, 2024 and end no later than October 31, 2025. It can last a maximum of one year.
Types of Projects and Activities
- The actions resulting from the projects can take very varied forms: general public event, organization of activities (exhibition, events, etc.) in a school, immersion stay for young people in a Southern country, campaign on the networks social, etc.
- A project can consist of a single large event, focus on a single type of activity spaced out over time, or be a combination of different types of actions.
- The proposed project may be part of another larger project or program of activities, whether or not the specific aim is to raise awareness of global and united citizenship. In this case, it will be appropriate to briefly detail the overall project and its objective as well as to describe in more detail the way in which the project proposed within the framework of this call for projects will be integrated within the broader project/program, in particular the budget point of view.
Target Audience
- Subsidized projects must primarily target young people (between 12 and 25 years old) in Brussels, even if they may reach other complementary/additional audiences.
Eligibility Criteria
- This call for projects is open to Belgian civil society organisations.
- The entity introducing the project is a civil society organization with Belgian legal personality, for at least one year as of April 8, 2024.
- The project ends no later than October 31, 2025.
For more information, visit Brussels International.