Deadline: 15-Dec-23
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the framework of the UN Joint Programme “Leave No-One Behind” second phase (LNB2) is launching a call for proposals from Municipalities: Community-based Social Services Grants.
This grant scheme created within the framework of the ‘ No One Left Behind’ Program allows the financing of small innovative projects that contribute to the provision of social care services proposed by any interested Albanian municipality.
The No One Left Behind Program, second phase (LNB2) builds on the UN’s extensive experience in addressing social inclusion and the needs of vulnerable groups. The project supported the implementation of the vision of the social sector in Albania, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the country’s aspirations towards European integration. Leave No One Left Behind (LNB2) leverages the technical expertise and knowledge of UN agencies aiming for greater impact and outreach by focusing on the municipal level and respective national level bodies. The goal of the second phase of this program (2021 – 2025) is to empower people and groups at risk to have equal access to public services and opportunities, to have their say in public decision-making that affects their lives and to put before the responsibility of the officials in office.
The LNB2 program uses different methods for capacity building and organizational development. One of them involves funding small local projects that are consistent with the overall goal of the effort. This scheme of Grants in support of community-based social services is the main instrument that will be used to achieve this goal.
- The objective of the grant scheme is to:
- It contributes directly to the provision of social care services at the local level for the benefit of individuals and families in need, through the implementation of small innovative projects and in the implementation of the Municipality’s own Social Plan.
Funding Information
- The budget requested for financing from the LNB2 Program must be no more than 3,000,000 all.
- Applicants must submit the entire budget to the Albanian LEK detailing all expenses, including those financed from the Applicant’s own resources (eg salaries, social security payments, rent and any other periodic and capital expenses) specifying funding sources.
- The duration of the Project must be no longer than 12 months.
Eligibility Criteria
- Each of Albania’s 61 municipalities has the right to apply. Institutions that provide social services at the municipal level and are under the direct authority of the municipalities are considered part of the municipalities, so they can apply through the authority and under the name of their municipality. Some municipalities can present a joint project accompanied by an agreement between them, proposing for example regional solutions for common issues and needs.
- Applicants must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the Project with their partners (if any), and not acting as an intermediary. In any case, the Municipality will be the leading organization of the project.
For more information, visit UNDP.