Deadline: 16-Dec-20
The Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa is accepting applications for the Teen Trust Grant Program.
Teen Trust is a diverse group of high school students from the Black Hawk County area being facilitated by a qualified mentor. Teen Trust provides young adults an opportunity to serve as trustees and young philanthropists in the community. The Trustees have been entrusted with $15,000 from the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa to allocate to agencies serving Black Hawk County.
Focus Areas
The Community Foundation provides eligible agencies one-year discretionary grants on a competitive basis to improve life for residents of Black Hawk County, Iowa. Requests can be for operations, programming, materials, equipment, and capital projects. Areas of support are in the following program areas:
- Arts & Culture;
- Community Betterment;
- Education;
- Environment;
- Health;
- Historic Preservation;
- Human Service.
Eligibility Criteria
Organizations must provide benefits to the people of Black Hawk County and must meet the following criteria in order to apply for a grant:
- Be classified as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or be a government entity.
- Be current with all state and federal reporting requirements.
- Must not have any past due grant reports for previous CFNEIA grants
For groups, projects, or initiatives that do not meet the above eligibility requirements, the Community Foundation will consider projects submitted through a fiscal sponsor. Fiscal sponsors must be classified as a 501(c)(3) or a government entity. The Community Foundation prefers that the fiscal sponsor’s mission closely align with the sponsored project.
Restrictions and Application Frequency
- Requests should be for one year only.
- Minimum requests should be $1,000; the maximum request limit is $3,000.
- Organizations can submit only one proposal at a time. Applicants may also submit up to one additional proposal as a fiscal sponsor.
- Organizations with a separate supporting organization (like a “friends of” or a foundation) can apply through either the organization or through its supporting organization, but not both. The Foundation encourages applications to be submitted through the supporting organization.
- The Foundation will not support requests for funds that are re-granted or redistributed by the applicant.
- Inherently religious activities such as religious worship, instruction, or proselytization or activities that promote specific religious doctrine are not eligible.
- Requests for partisan political or lobbying activities are not eligible.
- Operational requests from other foundations are not eligible.
For more information, visit