Deadline: 17-Aug-20
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has commissioned a Call for Proposals for Civil Society organizations (CSOs) to apply for small grants to facilitate and support the implementation of transformative human rights promotion and protection projects initiatives at federal, regional and community levels in Ethiopia.
The support to CSOs is aligned to ongoing reform efforts geared towards widening the democratic space and improving the human rights situation in the country.
- Provide small grants to CSOs for protection and promotion of human rights project initiatives in Ethiopia.
Funding Information
The proposal to be beneficiary of this call shall consider the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Minimum amount $5,000
- Maximum amount $10,000
Expected Outputs
- Strengthened capacity of CSOs, and other relevant stakeholders to contribute to the advancement of human rights at the federal and local levels.
- Enhanced capacities of CSOs to engage with national, regional, and international human rights mechanisms and to undertake strategic human rights advocacy.
Project Coverage and Priority Area Focus
- CSOs operating in one or more regions with strong focus on community-level initiatives and presence.
- Membership to existing CSOs networks at the national or regional level will be an added advantage.
Priority areas of Programmatic focus
- Programme on vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities.
- SDGs and Climate change;
- Engagement with youth, traditional and religious leaders on the promotion of human rights and sustainable peace;
- Initiative on the promotion of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and on the promotion of civil and political rights.
Institutional capacity, Governance and Absorption capacity
- Must have a formal decision-making structure;
- Minimum credible performance track records including at regional levels;
Eligibility Criteria
- Local CSOs registered by the Federal Agency for Civil Society Organizations or by respective regional authorities mandated to work on human rights.
For more information, visit