Deadline: 05-Mar-21
The Mornington Peninsula Shire is pleased to announce Bio links Support Grant Program to contribute to on-ground biodiversity outcomes through bio links on private and/or public land, that align with the objectives and actions of the Mornington Peninsula Biodiversity Conservation Plan.
A biolink, also known as a habitat corridor, links separate habitat patches and aims to support biodiversity by:
- Reducing fragmentation by building upon and ultimately connecting habitat patches that have been subdivided, reduced and/or isolated.
- Providing habitat for wildlife that can persist in narrow corridors, or use them for foraging, breeding or sheltering
- Providing pathways for individual animals to move between patches.
- Facilitating genetic exchange between populations in isolated habitat patches, therefore reducing their risk of local extinction.
- Enabling decolonization of patches where species are locally extinct.
- Enabling species to disperse to areas with more suitable climatic conditions in the face of climate change.
Focus Areas
The Plan contains six strategic directions highlighting the main areas of focus:
- Engaging with the community and building stewardship
- Facilitating biodiversity conservation on private land
- Protecting biodiversity through planning and policy
- Building a strong knowledge base
- Demonstrating and leading best-practice land management
- Building ecosystem resilience in a changing climate
Funding Information
- Funding up to $10,000 is available to support biolink projects in 2021
- Projects must be completed within 12 months of receipt of funding and a full report on project outcomes provided back to Council.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for consideration for funding, the project/activity must:
- Take place within the Mornington Peninsula Shire Local Government area.
- Be completed within 12 months of funding.
- Incorporated bushland friends groups, Landcare groups, and other interested not for profit community groups that have an understanding of biolinks and capacity to undertake the project.
- Maximum of two applications per organization can be accepted (not the same project). Projects previously funded by Council are eligible if it is for an expansion of the existing project.
- Applicants must have the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant.
- Does not owe any money or reports (acquittal) as a result of previous Shire funding or grants.
- ABN and incorporation status must be identified in application.
For more information, visit