Deadline: 21-Jul-21
The Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations is seeking applications for its Volunteering Youth Led Grants Program to help young people to volunteer aged 14 – 25 to be more involved in the community and voluntary organizations in their local community.
The Youth Bridgend Funding Group is made up of a group of young people aged 14 – 25 living in Bridgend County Borough and is funded by Welsh Government and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA). The panel members are supported by BAVO.
The funding was established to achieve a step change in youth volunteering for young people aged 14 – 25 in a variety of voluntary and community organizations throughout the UK. The funding’s purpose is to identify ways to engage more young people from disadvantaged and under-represented communities.
Funding Priorities
Funding priorities are as follows:
- Funding is available to voluntary and community organisations that are legally constituted and want to empower young people to volunteer;
- Organisations that are committed to listening to and working in partnership with young people;
- Organisations will need to be constituted and have a bank account in the name of the organisation, which requires at least two signatures;
- There is no minimum amount that can be applied for;
- If groups want to apply for the maximum of £2,000 they may be asked to present their ideas to panel members;
- Projects or groups that have applied before can reapply (whether or not they were successful) but their ideas must involve young volunteers.
Funding Information
- You can apply for the maximum grant of up to £2,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- Projects must have a community benefit to the communities of Bridgend County Borough. The funding is to support young people aged 14 – 25 to volunteer in a variety of community organisations within Bridgend.
For more information, visit