Deadline: 13-Mar-2025
The dAIEDGE Network of Excellence (NoE) seeks to strengthen and support the development of a dynamic European cutting-edge AI ecosystem under the umbrella of the European Lighthouse for AI, and to sustain the development of advanced AI.
dAIEDGE fosters the exchange of ideas, concepts, and trends on cutting-edge next generation AI, creating links between ecosystem actors to help both the European Commission (EC) and the European Union (EU) identify strategies for future developments in Europe.
dAIEDGE main objective is to advance Europe’s innovation and technology base by developing a comprehensive policy and governance approach to AI
- An innovative edge AI ecosystem and dynamic network of excellence
- A pathway for excellent edge AI research and innovation advancement
- Edge AI applications, technological value creation and lead-by-example solutions
- Pan-European collaboration through partnership coordination
- A connected virtual centre of excellence for edge AI technology development
- Community building, dissemination, and network growth
Funding Information
- The 2nd dAIEDGE Collaborative Projects Open Call aims to distribute up to 600.000 € among up to 10 Proposals to solve the Industrial Challenges defined by the dAIEDGE Consortium, with the possibility of using resources from the dAIEDGE Virtual Lab or adding new resources to it or to re-use developments of the dAIEDGE project or dAIEDGE use-cases.
- Participants can submit a proposal for research and development activities to solve or push forward the research in the identified Challenges.
- Each third-party project selected under dAIEDGE Collaborative Projects Open Call can receive a maximum amount of up to €60 000. The Support Programme will last up to 7 months and include the following stages:
- Stage 1: Plan Phase, during which the beneficiary should deliver an Individual Mentoring Plan (including planned activities, KPIs, milestones and budget). The duration of this stage is up to 1 month and, after completing it, the beneficiary will receive a maximum amount of up to €9 000.
- Stage 2: Implementation Phase, which should lead to a Proof of Demonstration. The duration of this stage is up to 6 months and, after completing it, the beneficiary will receive a maximum amount of up to €51 000.
- During the two stages of the dAIEDGE Collaborative Projects Support Programme the beneficiaries will receive technical mentoring from dAIEDGE technical experts. They will be supported with the project’s development and demonstration of the added value of their solutions to address the dAIEDGE Industrial Challenges.
Eligibility Criteria
- dAIEDGE Collaborative Projects Open Call looks for legal entities, applying individually or as a consortium of up to 2 entities.
- The eligible entities are:
- Research and Technology Organisations (RTO),
- Academia or
- SMEs, including Startups, legally registered as a company at the moment of the application submission to this Open Call,
- registered in one of the following eligible countries:
- EU Member States and its Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT), or
- Horizon Europe Associated Countries.
- Applicants subject to EU restrictive measures under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) are not eligible to participate in this Open Call.
- dAIEDGE Consortium partners, their affiliated entities, board members, employees or permanent collaborators CANNOT be beneficiaries of dAIEDGE Open Call.
For more information, visit European Commission.