Deadline: 17-Feb-25
The Fraser Coast Regional Council is pleased to announce the Community Grants Program to embrace the Fraser Coast way of life and create connected communities through places, spaces and people.
- Provide identified and measurable social, community or economic benefits to the Fraser Coast communities;
- Align with Council’s Corporate Plan 2023-2028
- This Program is intended to:
- Provide eligible community organisations with support to meet identified community needs
- Build community skills, capacity and resilience
- Develop and maintain community infrastructure
- Provide opportunities for community organisations to leverage Council’s assistance to obtain funding from other sources
- Provide opportunities for community organisations to assist Council to deliver on Councils strategic goals and identified key initiatives
Funding Information
- The Fraser Coast Regional Council Community Grants are targeted towards projects and one-off event funding.
- Groups can apply for funding from $500 to $15,000 as cash.
- Maximum 2 applications per group per annum will be funded
- Maximum grant limit of $15,000 per annum will be funded
- The following funding is available in 2024-25 financial year through the Community Grants Program:
- $247,000 for projects and events to be spread over 4 rounds during the financial year with $61,750 notionally allocated per round
- Groups can apply for funding from $500 to $15,000 as cash.
Who can apply?
- Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations are eligible to apply for a Community Grant provided they meet the following criteria:
- The organisation:
- Is based within the Fraser Coast local government area or is fully delivering a project within the Fraser Coast local government area;
- Is a legal not-for-profit entity, complying with all incorporation requirements of the State and Commonwealth as at the closing date for the grant program;
- Has appropriate insurances;
- Has met all reporting and acquittal conditions for any previous Council grants;
- Has no debt to Council outside standard trading terms or has entered into scheduled payment arrangements with Council that is being adhered to.
Who cannot apply?
- Government agencies or departments of local, state or federal government; or
- Educational, religious, political, or medical organisations, where the application is for the organisation’s core business. Benefit to the broader community outside the applicant organisation must be addressed in the application; or
- Commercial businesses and enterprises – (these types of organisations are eligible to apply for events grants only through this program); or
- Individuals; or
- Not for profit community organisations with a liquor-licensed supporters / associated club, gaming licence or that commercially trades seven days a week (these types of organisations are eligible to apply for events grants through this program); or
- Organisations who have not provided requested reporting or Outcome Reports as required by any Council-provided grant or sponsorship.
For more information, visit Fraser Coast Regional Council.