Deadline: 23-Dec-2024
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration is seeking concept notes for humanitarian assistance activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Program Areas
- Proposed program concept notes must align with one or more of the following program areas.
- Humanitarian Protection and Assistance
- Interim and Durable Solutions
Program Sectors and Modalities
- Afghanistan Program Sectors and Modalities
- Health/Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): Priority will be given to programs supporting primary and secondary healthcare that remove barriers to care for female returnees, including reproductive, maternal and child health, mental health, and psychosocial support, using an integrated approach. Both community-based and primary care facility modalities will all be considered.
- Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment: Priority will be given to livelihoods opportunities that include or maximize participation from women, focusing on income generation and entrepreneurship.
- Protection: Priority will be given to programs targeting underserved groups – including minors and adolescents, elderly, persons with disabilities, and internally displaced persons.
- Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Consideration will be given to programs that improve WASH service delivery and hygiene outcomes among Afghan returnees and IDPs in areas of high return and informal settlements. Programs should consider the needs of persons with disabilities and include safe and adequate facilities for women and girls’ hygiene.
- Pakistan Program Sectors and Modalities
- Education: Priority will be given to programs that support children and youth to help them prepare for, enter, participate, stay, and succeed in formal education. This includes addressing learning gaps and promoting an inclusive and safe education environment. Sustainable educational programming that includes transitions to formal Pakastani education systems will be prioritized.
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): Integration of MHPSS into health primary care is preferred. PRM supports the use of national health systems and corresponding community health networks where possible and generally does not support establishing parallel health care systems.
- Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment: Priority will be given to programs that provide options for employment and entrepreneurship. PRM supports sustainable livelihoods programming that include in-person trainings, long term follow up with participants, and coordination with local private sector and development actors to facilitate access to employment/entrepreneurship opportunities. Priority will also be given to programs that incorporate innovative, market-oriented sectors for both genders.
- Protection: Priority will be given to programs targeting underserved groups – including, minors and adolescents, elderly, LGBTQI+ individuals, persons with disabilities, and stateless persons. Priority will be given to programs that strengthen gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and/or support access to legal assistance and information counseling including improved access to justice, legal rights and entitlements at border points and detention locations. Where appropriate, protection programming should be integrated with other sectors.
Funding Information
- Afghanistan
- Funding floor per year (lowest $ value): $1,000,000
- Funding ceiling per year (highest $ value): $3,000,000
- Pakistan
- Funding floor per year (lowest $ value): $1,000,000
- Funding ceiling per year (highest $ value): $2,500,000
- Afghanistan Duration of Activity
- Program plans for up to two (2) years will be considered
- Pakistan Duration of Activity
- Program plans for up to two years will be considered.
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible Applicants
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (U.S.-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of non-profit tax status).
- Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (overseas-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of registration in country of domicile).
- International Organizations.
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