Deadline: 14-Oct-20
The Richmond Community Foundation has launched the 2021 Community Grant Program. The Foundation gives grants to initiatives that feature new ideas, expand or improve existing programs and focus on capital expenditures that will lead to greater efficiencies.
Focus Areas
- Children & Youth;
- Seniors;
- New Immigrants;
- Low-Income Families;
- People with a Disability.
The Foundation supports initiatives in a wide range of fields, including:
- Arts and Culture;
- Healthcare;
- Environment;
- Food Security;
- Sports and Recreation;
- Social Services.
Funding Information
- This grant is issued in amounts between $1,000 and $10,000 and supports projects that will have a broad community impact.
Eligibility Criteria
Richmond-based community organizations that are registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and fit the following criteria:
- Initiatives that will directly benefit the residents of Richmond that have broad-based community impact, address a significant community challenge and respond to a significant existing or emerging need;
- Initiatives that are available without discrimination because of race, color, creed, sex, age, marital status, or ability;
- Initiatives that build community capacity and build or develop partnerships among community organizations and community resources;
- Initiatives that are undertaken by the organization(s) that have charitable tax status under the Income Tax Act;
- Initiatives that are undertaken by the organization(s) that can fulfill the Grant Application Requirements;
- Up to 10% of the grant amount may be used for administration costs of an agency undertaking a project.
Not Eligible
- Operating expenses of established organizations, program, or services;
- Wages or salaries, other than #6 above (Note: grant funds can be used to fund an instructor or other position specific to the grant project);
- Operating or capital deficits;
- Annual fundraising campaigns, form letter request, or telephone campaigns;
- Capital campaigns;
- Adding to endowment funds;
- Direct religious activities;
- Team sponsorships;
- Conference or travel expenses.
For more information, visit