Deadline: 19-Jul-24
The U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa and the U.S. Department of State are pleased to announce an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications to carry out projects through the Ambassador’s Special Self Help (SSH) Small Grants Program.
The Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program provides small grants to assist community development projects that improve basic economic or social conditions in local communities across the Democratic Republic of Congo. The program aims to address development challenges via targeted, small-scale goals that encourage self-reliance within local communities. Selected projects must have strong community involvement with a substantial community benefit that is self-sustaining and ongoing. Projects to support vulnerable populations, including women, people living with disabilities, victims of gender-based violence, orphans and homeless children, etc., are particularly desirable.
Project Objectives
- SH funds are meant for activities that are community driven and serve the community at large where they are being funded.
- The most successful project proposals will target health, education, and development challenges and will:
- Demonstrate a clear, ongoing benefit to the local community;
- Include a significant contribution from the community in the form of labor, land, materials, or money;
- Be within the local community’s ability to manage and maintain on a sustainable basis;
- Have a net-positive impact on the local environment;
- Respect human rights, including disability rights and gender equality.
Funding Information
- Total available funding: $33,000
- Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $16,500
- Length of performance period: 12 months or less
- Number of awards anticipated: 2-3 awards
- Amount Award Anticipated program start date: October 1st, 2024
Eligible Projects
- Types of projects the Department will consider funding:
- Small construction projects (less than 10,000 sq. ft.) – school rooms, community centers, health facilities, foot bridges, housing for a government or community-paid nurse or teacher, workshops, community abattoir, grain storage, rural airstrip for a hospital, and school dormitory for distant students.
- Water-related projects – wells, latrines, pumps, bore holes, shower stalls and sinks and fishponds.
- School equipment and supplies – desks, chairs, laboratory equipment and library items.
- Communal construction equipment such as a brick-making machine.
- Income generating equipment – weaving looms, tools for furniture making, rice-milling machine. (Must be maintainable by local community).
Eligibility Criteria
- The following organizations are eligible to apply:
- Associations and non-profit non-governmental organizations located in the DRC;
- Applicants must have a demonstrated expertise in their program field;
- Expertise and established relationships with international NGOs, other international donors, and/or local organizations will be considered favorably.
For more information, visit U.S. Embassy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.