Deadline: 28-Aug-20
The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) is launching a call for projects within the framework of its new Solidarity Fund for Women: “La Francophonie avec Elles”.
The representatives of the States and governments of the OIF, meeting during the Permanent Council of La Francophonie, endorsed the Secretary General’s proposal to create the Solidarity Fund for Women “La Francophonie avec Elles”.
The general objective of the “La Francophonie avec Elles” fund is to support actions of land allowing access to women and girls in vulnerable situations the Francophone space for economic development, education, health, citizenship and training, with a view to increased resilience. It aims to finance actions in the field, carried out by recognized players in the French-speaking world and especially in Africa and the Caribbean. The specific objectives of this device, which intends to capitalize on endogenous experiences and know-how are:
- support women working in the informal sector in vulnerable situations ability to meet their essential and priority needs and those of their families, develop their entrepreneurial capacities, support them with a view to development of income-generating activities (IGA) making use of relevant to digital technology, and train them to enable them to be able to eventually join the formal sector;
- inform these women and offer them a platform for expression on pandemicmies, general health and disease prevention, and train them on means of preventing it, of benefiting from health care, and, in a more general, to access full citizenship, necessary to assert their rights and receive existing services in these areas;
- support them in their education and vocational training, and in schooling for their children, especially girls’ education, by relying on a relevant use of digital technologies.
Funding Information
The projects will be supported for a financial allocation covering an amount ranging from € 15,000 to € 80,000. The funding provided by the OIF will not represent more than 80% of the total amount of the proposed project. The valuation of the expertise as well as the material heritage of the beneficiary may possibly be taken into consideration. The selection committee reserves the right to modify the amount of grant awarded.
Eligibility Criteria
The funded projects must be led by non-profit organizations. tif, having legal personality, governed by systems of governance and proven administrative and financial management procedures, a mandate relevant, with an operational team, with a minimum of 2 years of legal existence, and having provided proof of the carrying out of activities in at least one member state or government of the OIF. Initiatives that contribute to the promotion and dissemination of La Francophonie in the countries and those worn by young girls and women invested in technology digital will be encouraged.
More specifically, to be eligible, the applicant organization will have to fill fulfill the following conditions:
- Have its head office and management within one of the States or govern-members of the OIF;
- Meet the conditions provided for by the legislation in force in his State records relating to legal recognition and have at least two years of legal existence
- Be able to present activity reports for the period 2018-2020;
- State a functional governance provided for in its statutes and have documents attesting to this and reporting on activities and accounts organisation;
- Demonstrate its budgetary and administrative capacities to carry out the project for which it is seeking funding;
- Each association may not present more than three files;
- Demonstrate achievements of activities in the field of one of the three objectives strategic defined.
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