Deadline: 06-Aug-2024
The Internet Society Foundation is pleased to announce the BOLT Grant Program to support teams of innovators working to expand the possibility of Internet connectivity and access globally through the development of prototypes and pilots.
The Internet Society Foundation takes a futurist approach to support the development of innovative methods, technologies, and infrastructure that seek to enhance Internet connectivity and access. The Foundation aims to support teams of creatives, technologists, researchers, and social/cultural workers to design and build prototypes and pilots that will bring into reality innovative solutions to Internet connectivity particularly among communities where current technologies are unavailable or not readily accessible.
Teams may include creatives, artists, technologists, researchers, social or cultural workers and must be housed in a relevant non-profit organization or institution.
Teams should be focused on building technical and social innovations related to Internet connectivity that strive to be:
- Cost-reducing
- Environmentally sustainable
- Trust-enhancing
- Relevant to users and community
- Imaginative and engaging in experimentation and play
- Accessible
- Advance Internet development
- Improve Internet access and connectivity around the world
- Promote responsible innovation
Funding Information
- Grants of up to USD$300,000 will be awarded for projects up to 18 months in duration.
Ineligible Projects
- Projects that are unrelated to the Internet and the mission of the Internet Society
- Projects that provide personal monetary gain
- Political campaigns, voter registration, lobbying efforts or other attempts to influence legislation
- Endowments, buildings, or capital campaigns
- Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
- Activities completed or costs incurred prior to the award, without prior approval
- Tuition assistance
- Transactions or grants prohibited by the Internet Society Foundation’s Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, or other governing document.
Eligibility Criteria
- In order to receive funding from the Internet Society Foundation, all applicant organizations applying must meet the following three (3) requirements:
- Be a legally registered 501(c)(3) OR equivalent. (Before awarding funds to any organization, the Foundation will verify this equivalency)
- Possess alignment with the purposes and activities of Internet Society (ISOC), the Foundation’s supported organization
- Have an official bank account in their name (based on their legal registration)
For more information, visit Internet Society Foundation.