Deadline: 16 March 2017
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) has launched a Call for Proposals for International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) for support in Development Cooperation.
The objectives of Finland’s INGO cooperation are:
- to support the achievement of the goals of Finland’s development policy
- to strengthen civil societies and democracies in developing countries
Focus Areas
- Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights globally, regionally and locally, especially among women and girls in vulnerable situations. Particular focus will be given to sexual rights issues and non-discrimination, such as promotion and provision of services including access to contraceptives, youth friendly services and safe abortion.
- Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-2 proposals with contract duration of 2 years. The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be approximately 5 million euros.
- Fostering an enabling environment for civil society, especially by enhancing civil society’s opportunities for influencing policymaking.
- Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-2 proposals with contract duration of 1-2 years. The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be approximately 0,4 million euros.
- Strengthening the democracy of societies by improving transparency and advancing accountability in development processes as well as increasing awareness of the effect of corruption on development and human rights.
- Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-1 proposals with contract duration of 2 years. The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be approximately 0,8 million euros.
- Reducing maternal and child mortality in Afghanistan by promotion of sexual and reproductive health. Particular focus is in increasing availability, quality and demand of sexual, reproductive, maternal and child health services and raising awareness on sexual and reproductive health.
- Grant allocated by Unit for South Asia. Financing will be available for 0-1 proposals with contract duration of 3 years (2018-2020). The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be 4 million euros.
Eligibility Criteria
- From the point of view of the development cooperation funding, the MFA considers INGOs to be non-profit organizations that operate politically and administratively independent of governments. The INGO that is eligible for support has to meet the following Minimum Requirements.
- The INGO has to have:
- at least three different nationalities represented in its governing structures;
- operations in more than two countries;
- been registered and/or legally competent for at least two years;
- funding from at least one other source.
- Grants to INGOs may be either core funding or project support channeled to activities in developing countries.
- Core funding can be granted only to INGOs that meet the eligibility criteria for ODA, set by OECD/DAC.
- In case an organization does not satisfy the ODA eligibility criteria, project support may be earmarked to activities at a project level that are ODA eligible.
How to Apply
The electronic application and attachments shall be sent via email at the address given on the website.
For more information, please visit Call for Proposals.