Deadline: 06-Nov-20
Support Foundation for Civil Society (STDV) realizes the 2020 period of the Children’s Fund in cooperation with the Turkey Mosaic Foundation, with the support of individual and corporate donors.
Children’s Fund is to support the work of NGOs working on children’s needs and rights. The projects to be supported within the scope of the Children’s Fund have projects aimed at establishing the access of children between the ages of 0 and 15 to basic children’s rights or the capacity building needs of organizations working in this field.
In the 2020 period, the fund focuses on meeting the needs of children and NGOs that support children and the consequences of the ongoing measures in the controlled normalization process and the economic contraction and ensuring children’s access to their fundamental rights in this difficult period. In this context, institutional development of NGOs will be supported in a way that gives priority to adapting to the innovative ideas or changes brought about by the epidemic process.
They launched the Children’s Fund in 2017 for the first time in order to support the institutional developments and projects of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in the field of children’s rights with the support of Hakan Özkök and his family and the Turkey Mosaic Foundation.
Funding Information
- The total amount of the fund to be distributed to CSOs within the scope of the Children’s Fund is at least 300,000 TL.
- Applicant CSOs can request a maximum of 75,000 TL from the fund. Co-financing is possible and encouraged but not mandatory.
- The application period of the activities specified in the applications should be a maximum of 12 months.
Project Activities
All activities proposed in the applications are expected to be related to children’s needs that emerged or deepened as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, or to adaptation activities of institutions working with children to this new era. Examples of activities to be supported under the fund are as follows.
- Activities aimed at identifying and meeting the needs of children;
- Activities aimed at enabling children to access and exercise their rights;
- Establishing partnerships between institutions operating, especially in advocacy in the field of children’s rights, raising public awareness, conducting communication activities that support social inclusion of children, and activities in the fields of policy development that will ensure their access to public policies;
- Activities that ensure children’s access to formal education, participation and attendance at school;
- Social and psychological support activities for children who are victims of all kinds of violence or in conflict with the law and/or activities for persons and institutions that provide bodily integrity protection services to children in this situation;
- Children’s access to distance education, supporting out-of-school education areas; all kinds of development and strengthening activities that support school attendance and social inclusion (language course, workshops to support lesson repetition, sports and culture and arts activities, leisure time activities, etc.);
- Activities to improve children’s technological literacy;
- Protective/preventive activities, rehabilitation and promotion support for children with substance addiction;
- Knowledge and skills activities that enable children to have the equipment to ensure their economic independence;
- Activities that support the development of children’s knowledge and skills and direct them to professions;
- Activities improving children’s life skills;
- Activities related to children who are under the protection of the state or who are not under the protection of the state and have to live without parents;
- Activities that can be offered as side activities – including activities that may have an impact on children during the project (child-focused activities to be carried out with staff providing services to children, etc.) – activities;
- Direct or ancillary activities for children other than the above items but involving similar areas;
- Supporting the institutional development of NGOs operating in a way that covers items 1-13.
Eligibility Criteria
- Projects to be supported and implementation of the work location must be within the boundaries of Turkey.
- However, additional activities to be carried out in cooperation with NGOs operating in another country can be added as a budget item.
- Only one application will be accepted from each organization.
- Established in Turkey associations, foundations and non-profit cooperative with other (related university centres, etc.).
- Having a legal personality for at least a year and working actively in the field.
- Revenues of more than 30,000 TL and less than 1,500,000 TL in 2019 (including all donations, interest income and recorded in-kind donations).
- Organizations that focus on children’s rights, children’s welfare or studies in the field of children and have worked in this framework.
Application Requirements
A. Requirements for the Applicant Organizations
- Organisations that meet the following application criteria and have legal personality can apply for the grant program:
- established in Turkey associations, foundations and non-profit cooperative with other (related university centers, etc.).
- Having a legal personality for at least a year and working actively in the field,
- Revenues of more than 30,000 TL and less than 1,500,000 TL in 2019 (including all donations, interest income and recorded in-kind donations).
- Organizations that focus on children’s rights, children’s welfare or studies in the field of children and have worked within this framework.
- Professional associations, charities and social assistance and solidarity foundations cannot benefit from the fund. Applicants’ universities, companies, public institutions and local governments, structures that do not have legal personality, etc. It is possible for them to cooperate with.
- Only one application will be accepted from each organization. However, it is possible for an organization to be a partner of more than one application. NGOs currently supported by the Support Foundation for Civil Society can apply for the grant scheme. However, the application should not be a supported study in this context.
- There is no obstacle for organizations that have received grants from the Support Foundation for Civil Society in the past or have applied for another fund and were rejected to apply for this program. However, organizations benefiting from the Institutional Support Fund in 2020 cannot apply for institutional support.
B. Application and Duration
- The application period of the activities specified in the applications should be maximum 12 months. Projects to be supported and implementation of the work location must be within the boundaries of Turkey. However, additional activities to be carried out in cooperation with NGOs operating in another country can be added as a budget item.
- The earliest start date of the activities is December 2020. However, it may be possible to start earlier as conditions permit.
C. Grant Amount and Payment Schedule
- The total amount of the fund to be distributed to CSOs within the scope of the Children’s Fund is at least 300,000 TL . The Evaluation Committee reserves the right not to evaluate the applications positively or to increase / decrease the amount of the grant to be distributed within the framework of the criteria and if it deems necessary.
- Applicant CSOs can request a maximum of 75,000 TL from the fund . Co-financing is possible and encouraged but not mandatory.
- The costs related to the capacity development component to be provided to the organizations that are entitled to benefit from the institutional support grant will be covered by the Support Foundation for Civil Society.
- Grants are paid within the timetable agreed with the supported NGO, the first week following the signing of the grant contract. Payments are made in two or three installments and via bank. The final installment, corresponding to 10% of the total budget, is paid within one month after the approval of the final report, provided that the supported NGO fulfills all obligations under the signed contract.
- Supported CSOs are required to keep the invoices of their expenditures within the scope of the grant for three years. If deemed necessary, financial audit may be requested at the expense of STDV.
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