Deadline: 18-Apr-21
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) invites not profit-making organisations to submit grant proposals that focus on Training course development: how to issue thematic labelled bonds for local governments.
UNDRR is the United Nations’ focal point for the coordination of disaster risk reduction, working with countries and a broad range of partners and stakeholders to support the implementation, monitoring and review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in coherence with the 2030 Agenda and other instruments, for the multi-hazard management of disaster risk in development and the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses.
The aim is to develop a training course to enhance local governments’ understanding and capacities in utilizing thematic labelled bonds as a means to enhance resilience financing.
The expected outcome of this grant is to make available a deep-dive training course on how to issue thematic labelled bonds for local governments to help enhance access to finance for cities participating in the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030).
Budget and administrative-related aspects
- The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 6 months, with expected completion by 18 November 2021.
- The maximum amount requested from UNDRR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed 45,000 USD.
Suggested activities
The grant proposal should include the following activities as a minimum requirement. Detailed methodologies are to be proposed by the grant applicants. Any other activities that could support achieving expected outputs are welcome.
- Activity 1: Assess capacity gaps and needs of local governments. This is to help enhancing understanding on the existing capacity gaps and needs of local government related to thematic labelled bond issuance and gather existing case examples of local governments that have successfully issued bonds to finance for climate or resilience actions.
- Activity 2: Design and develop the training course on how to issue thematic labelled bonds for local governments.
The course design and development should be done in close consultation with UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute (GETI).
Projects’ activities can include, amongst others, the following:
- seminars, workshops, trainings;
- capacity building activities;
- institutional strengthening activities and
- advocacy
- Output 1: A summary report on the existing capacity gaps and needs of local government on the thematic labelled bonds.
- Output 2: A deep-dive training course on how to issue thematic labelled bonds for local governments developed and made available as a service in the MCR2030 dashboard.
- The course should be developed based on the findings of the existing capacity gaps and needs of local governments o The course content shall include, but not limited to the following:
- Big picture of the situation related to local governments and bond issuances.
- Policy and taxes implication
- Supporting environment and relevant mechanisms
- Types of bonds issued by local governments
- How to issue thematic label bonds including the checklist
- Other consideration such as credit rating, investor’s profile, reporting requirements
- Case examples
- The final deliverable shall include the course outline, its content and associated materials, training delivery format and pedagogy, and a strategy for the pilot rollout.
- The course should be applicable to any local governments around the world with clearly defined learning outcomes.
- The course shall be executable via an online platform, but customizable to a face-to-face format.
- The primary language of the course content is English.
- The course should be developed based on the findings of the existing capacity gaps and needs of local governments o The course content shall include, but not limited to the following:
Eligibility Criteria
UNDRR issues grants, in line with UN Financial Regulations and Rules, to apolitical and not profit-making organisations to facilitate, implement, or carry out activities related to UNDRR’s and the partner’s mandates and work programmes.
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