Deadline: 23-Aug-21
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is pleased to announce the Training and Educational Materials Development to develop classroom quality occupational safety and health training for workers and employers on one of the OSHA-specified topics.
- Agricultural safety and health – training materials covering hazards and preventive measures for farm and dairy workers, such as lockout/tagout, struck-by/caught between, falls, grain handling, grain bin entry, entrapment, combustible dust, and fires (may not include rescue training).
- Bloodborne pathogens – training materials covering safeguards to protect workers against the health hazards from exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials, and to reduce their risk from exposure.
- Confined space – training materials covering confined space entry and hazards in construction, maritime, or general industry.
- Domestic Worker Hazards – training materials covering workplace hazards encountered by workers performing domestic services, such as house cleaning, child-care, and elder-care, in private residences.
- Drug misuse and hazards in the workplace – training materials covering the recognition of and hazards associated with drug misuse (abuse) in the workplace.
- Excavation/trenching – training materials covering proper excavation and trenching procedures including prevention of cave-in, collapse, entrapment, and related hazards.
- Fire safety – training materials covering fire hazards in the workplace, means of egress, and preparation for a fire emergency.
- Healthcare – training materials for workers who provide health services to individuals.
- Infectious disease pandemic preparedness – training materials address worker and employer preparedness activities to recognize, plan, prevent, and control transmission of infectious agents in the workplace, and additional protection measures needed to protect workers if illnesses reach epidemic and pandemic levels.
- Landscaping/tree care hazards – training materials covering topics such as falls from trees, aerial lifts, and ladders, struck-by buckets, electrocution, chipper safety, chainsaw safety, rollover protection, or traffic safety.
- Ladders and stairway safety – training materials covering the proper construction, use, placement, and care in using ladders and stairways.
- Lockout/tagout – training materials covering procedures to protect workers from unexpected energizing or startup of machinery and equipment, including release of hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance.
- Machine guarding/amputation prevention – training materials covering the operation of stationary equipment, press brakes, saws, shears, slicer, etc., guarding points of operations, and related hazards.
- Maritime – training materials covering dock safety hazards such as dock edge protection, working over water, lifting equipment, cargo handling, mooring operations, gangways, fall protection, lifesaving equipment, traffic safety; marine terminal and longshoring industry hazards; or shipyard safety such as electrical hazards, arc flash, ergonomics, personal protective equipment (PPE), flotation devices; or emergency procedures.
- Natural disaster response and cleanup – training materials covering worker exposure and protection during disaster response and cleanup.
- Noise/hearing conservation – training materials covering the identification, control, and protection of workers exposed to hazardous noise in construction, maritime, or general industry.
- Oil and gas production – training materials covering hazards related to hydraulic fracturing, confined space, falls, explosions, fires, struck-by/caught-in/caughtbetween, and other hazardous exposures.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) – training materials covering the identification of hazards requiring PPE including the selection and proper use of PPE to protect workers from exposure and injury in the workplace.
- Powered industrial trucks – training materials covering safety and health hazards when using, inspecting, and maintaining powered industrial trucks (e.g., forklifts, powered platforms, aerial lifts, and vehicle-mounted work platforms).
- Residential construction hazards – training materials covering general safety and health hazards such as falls, electrical, hand/power tools, struck-by/caughtin/caught-between, drywall dust/respiratory protection, PPE, hazard communication, ladders, or scaffolds.
- Respiratory protection – training materials covering the identification and use of proper protection to prevent worker injury, infection, and exposure to air contaminants such as harmful dusts, fog, fumes, mists, gases, smoke, vapors, or sprays.
- Roadway construction and work zones – training materials covering hazards associated with roadway construction such as struck-by vehicles and equipment, slips and falls, overexertion, exposure to harmful substances, and exposure to electrical conductors.
- Safety and health training for women – training materials covering occupational safety and health hazards for women in the workplace.
- Safety and health training for youth – training materials covering workplace hazards for youth and workers new to the industry.
- Scaffolding – training materials covering the proper construction and use of scaffolds including erecting and dismantling of scaffolds, fall protection, guardrails and cross bracing.
- Silica – training materials covering the identification, evaluation, and control of silica exposure in construction, general, or maritime industries.
- Temperature extremes – training materials covering subjects related to hazards and controls to workers exposure to extreme heat or cold in the construction, general, and maritime industries.
- Welding, cutting, and brazing health hazards – training materials covering health hazards associated with welding, cutting, and brazing in the construction, maritime, and general industries. This includes hazards related to fumes, gases, and radiation.
- Worker fatigue – training materials covering workplace hazards regarding extended work periods, irregular shifts, and other factors that contribute to worker fatigue.
- Workplace violence – training materials covering subjects related to the hazards, prevention, and controls involving acts and threats of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior in the workplace.
- Other special emphasis or emerging industry topic – training materials covering an occupational safety and health topic identified by the applicant (applicant must include a persuasive argument to support the need for training materials for their chosen topic).
- There is $11,787,000 available for new FY 2021 Susan Harwood Training grants. This includes $4.5 million for Capacity Building grants and approximately $7.3 million for Targeted Topic grants and Training and Educational Materials Development grants. Training and Educational Materials Development applicants may request federal funding up to $75,000. Applicants may commit non-federal resources, but it is not a grant requirement.
- Grant awards are for a 12-month performance period beginning no later than September 30, 2021, and ending on September 30, 2022.
Eligibility Criteria
- Non-profit organizations including qualifying labor unions, community-based and faith-based organizations, employer associations that are not an agency of a state or local government, institutions of higher education supported by a State or local government, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-controlled organizations serving Indians, and Native Hawaiian organizations may apply.
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