Deadline: 11-Mar-21
The USAID invites organizations and companies to participate in harnessing the power of science, technology, and innovation to generate and implement novel tools and approaches that accelerate and sustain improved health outcomes in developing countries.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Broad Agency Announcement for Research and Development (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, practical, and cost-effective interventions to address the most pressing problems in global health.
The objective of this Addendum is to bring together a collaboration of partners with diverse, complementary, and relevant capabilities that, when combined, will accelerate the research and development (R&D) of new HIV prevention products that women can choose to protect themselves, and address the continuing and disproportionately high rates of HIV incidence in women, especially adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa.
USAID is looking for Expressions of Interest (EoIs) that clearly demonstrate the following needed attributes.
- Innovation in technology;
- Innovation in collaboration;
- Innovation in stakeholder engagement;
- User focus;
- Cost-effectiveness and potential for impact.
Funding Information
- Award Ceiling: $125,000,000
Eligibility Criteria
- Expressions of Interest are not evaluated against other Expressions of Interest, but solely whether USAID believes that the submitter will be a valuable contributor to the co-creation process. USAID may limit the number of initial submissions selected to move forward based on efficiencies.
- Concept Papers are not evaluated against other Concept Papers, but solely based on USAID’s determination that the Concept Paper will successfully address the Problem and Challenges set forth herein. USAID may limit the number of Concept Papers selected to move forward based on efficiencies.
- Decisions regarding USAID’s pursuit of a particular project, technology or relationship are based on all available information, evidence, data, and resulting analysis.
- USAID seeks Expressions of Interest (EoI) from individuals and organizations with relevant and demonstrated expertise and experience contributing to the R&D of innovative HIV prevention products to be part of a co-design and co-creation process that responds to the Project Objective, needed attributes, and Solutions Sought as described in this Addendum. These Eligible Respondents include the following.
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including faith-based, academic, and not-for-profit institutions
- U.S.-based or non-U.S.-based entities
- Private-sector companies and industrial organizations
- Other research, civic, community, and regional organizations
- Private foundations and other donors
- USAID encourages Respondents that include women, low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) residents and organizations, and innovators from outside the development sector.\
Overview of Expressions of Interest
- EoI must indicate which of the Solution(s) Sought is/are being addressed by the proposed research or development concept(s).
- Respondents may submit an EoI for one Solution or one EoI for multiple Solutions. Respondents may also submit multiple EoIs for Solutions. EoIs may describe one or more potential products, platforms, or concepts addressing each Solution.
- Respondents are highly encouraged to collaborate with peer organizations and institutions as well as the private sector to bring unique research perspectives and/or comparative advantages.
- EoI may be submitted by individual organizations or by a group of organizations.
- Local partners, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, are strongly encouraged to submit EoI, individually or as part of a group.
- EoI should also identify or estimate the resources, e.g., financial and other, that would be needed to advance the proposed concept, including resources that are leveraged from non-USAID sources (this should be stated in the high-level budget detailed in Section VII and does not count towards the five page limit).
- USAID will review the EoI using the Evaluation Criteria indicated below and invite a limited number of Respondents to participate in a subsequent co-creation and co-design process.
For more information, visit