Deadline: 24-Apr-25
Submissions are now open for the Youth Creative Skills Bursary programme to help improve access to creative skills training or development programmes for young people.
The primary objective of the cultural strategy is to ensure that both local ratepayers and visitors to the area have continuous access to high quality, accessible, inclusive and affordable cultural services, including arts, museums and heritage. It was developed following a wide-ranging and inclusive consultation process which took in the views, ideas and aspirations of stakeholders from community, cultural and related sectors.
Funding Information
- Awards up to a maximum of £200.00 are available.
What can be funded?
- Examples of the type of training/development opportunity which can be funded
- A young person undertaking a summer residential in, for example, music, dance, drama, literature, visual arts, heritage or traditional arts, or regional minority languages.
- A young person undertaking a visual arts or crafts training programme or residency.
- Short-term or one-off courses, residencies and development opportunities.
- Accredited or non-accredited training
- A young person who through a high level of competition has been selected to participate in a creative activity at provincial, national or international level.
- Eligible expenditure:
- Any aspect of the cost of a training programme or course in a related subject
- Travel
- Accommodation
Who can apply?
- To be eligible, the applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- Resident within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.
- Aged 14 – 25 years
- Applying to, or have been accepted or invited onto, a youth arts/heritage training course or youth arts/heritage development opportunity and provide evidence in the form of an acceptance letter or similar.
- In general, it is important to note that this funding programme will not normally award bursaries to individuals who are resident outside the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.
For more information, visit Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council.