Deadline: 14-Nov-23
The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is currently accepting proposals for the regionalized or integrated solutions for brine management and recovery project.
Project Objectives
- Research various approaches for regionalized or integrated brine management (e.g., shared infrastructure, centralized treatment, integrated methods to reduce brine volume, and recovery of marketable high value products).
- Identify and provide guidance for assessing the key factors related to implementation of regional or integrated brine management solutions, evaluating opportunities based on current and future one water scenarios (including municipal, agricultural, commercial, coproduced water, and industrial sector needs).
- Example key factors could include but are not limited to identifying sources and qualities of brine, blended quality, point of disposal, treatment requirements, volumetric goals or limitations, and high-level cost comparisons.
- Develop regionalized or integrated brine management planning guidance.
- Applicants may request up to $150,000 in WRF funds for this project.
- Project Duration: The anticipated period of performance for this project is up to 18 months from the contract start date.
Expected Deliverables
- The deliverables from this project are flexible and encourage creativity and originality from proposers. Example deliverables could include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Research report
- Guidance manual/document
- Literature review
- Webcast, conference presentation, etc.
- Peer-reviewed journal article
- Fact sheet, case study, white paper, etc.
- Workshop (consider plan to document workshop)
- Web tool
Eligibility Criteria
- Proposals will be accepted from both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based entities, including educational institutions, research organizations, governmental agencies, and consultants or other for-profit entities.
- Researchers who are late on any ongoing WRF-sponsored studies without approved no-cost extensions are not eligible to be named participants in any proposals.
- WRF encourages participation from water utilities and other organizations in WRF research. Participation can occur in a variety of ways, including direct participation, in-kind contributions, or in-kind services.
For more information, visit WRF.