Deadline: 16-Nov-20
La France s’engage Foundation has announced the International Prize 2021 to recognize initiatives promoting the empowerment of women in a dynamic of gender equality.
Driven by the desire to develop innovative projects with a strong social impact on an international level, the Fondation la France is committed to joining forces with the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to organize its International Prize. The 2021 edition of the International Prize supports projects that contribute to the development of women’s empowerment.
The objective of the Fondation la France engages is to promote the engagement of civil society in innovative, united initiatives that are useful to as many people as possible.
The Foundation is convinced that the development and empowerment of women is a powerful and sustainable engine of development.
Funding Information
The Foundation will reward 5 laureates per year through an endowment of € 20,000 per project. In order to promote exchanges and meetings, the winners will be invited to Paris during the awards ceremony.
Who is the competition for?
Projects must focus on one or more fields of action in favor of women: strengthening their economic or social independence, gender equality, access to basic products and services, fight against violence against women, improvement of ‘access to education and the labor market, support for their decision-making capacity and participation in public life.
Contest Terms
The Prize takes place exclusively through a dedicated questionnaire. The Foundation will not accept or take into account any other request for support that has not been submitted online.
The Prize is intended for structures that meet the following cumulative conditions:
- have its head office in one of the 140 countries on the list of beneficiaries defined by the Development Assistance Committee;
- be a structure of the local ecosystem of the social and inclusive economy ;
- have an annual budget greater than or equal to twenty-five thousand euros (25,000 €).
Eligibility Criteria
- The International Prize is intended only for structures established in one of the 143 countries on the list of beneficiaries of Official Development Assistance (ODA) as published by the Development Assistance Committee (CAD).
- The International Prize supports local structures established in one of the countries/territories targeted.
- The International Prize exclusively receives applications from structures that belong to the local ecosystem of the social economy. This means that structures for purely lucrative and non-social mission are not eligible to apply for the International Prize.
Ineligibility Criteria
- Former Laureates supported within the framework of the “France is committed to the South” program;
- Structures that have concluded service contracts with the Foundation;
- The persons and members of the Jury, as well as the organizations/establishments and their members behind the development of the Competition;
- The structures that already work in conjunction with the partners of the Fondation la France are committed;
- French NGOs established locally.
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