Deadline: 15-Mar-2024
Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics (NCA) invites Iranian, Georgian, Italian, Swiss, and French independent artists and art organisation representatives to submit project proposals for “NCA Cultural Crossroads: Artist Residency Program – Open Call for Artists from Georgia, Iran, Switzerland, Italy, and France” program, which is implemented by Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics (NCA).
The program is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia. The aim of the “NCA Cultural Crossroads: Artist Residency Program is to foster the exchange of cultural heritage and traditional art forms through short-term artistic projects, strengthen intercultural ties between the neighbouring and European countries and establish new partnerships by providing the participating artists with the resources and platform to share their work, skills, and knowledge with other international and local artists and communities.
The participants will become acquainted with the cultural similarities and differences of Armenia, Georgia, and Iran and European artists will grow acquainted with the regional art sector and cultural heritage.
The program will be implemented at the National Centre for Aesthetics’ subdivisions in both the capital, Yerevan, and across other regions of Armenia – Tavush, Shirak, Lori, Gegharkunik, Syunik (10 days in Yerevan and 8 days in the regions), – enabling the art-loving communities of these remote regions to meet and work with international artists and help them to have a better understanding of the Armenian people and life in the regions. The selected projects will be matched with NCA subdivisions, taking into consideration their suitability with the areas of expertise of NCA subdivisions. The project outputs (exhibitions, open lessons, presentations, small-scale concerts, short performances) will be presented in Yerevan.
Project Scope
- The selected projects should address one of the following art directions:
- Fine arts: Topics include painting, pottery, woodcarving, tapestry/carpet making, and embroidery. The project outputs may be presented through an exhibition, presentation, master classes, etc. The age of beneficiaries is 6+.
- Theatre: Topics may include but may not be limited to the similarities and differences between national acting schools, directing schools, and modern playwriting. The project outputs may be presented through open lessons, theatrical readings, short performances, etc. The age of beneficiaries is 14+.
- Dance: Topics may include but may not be limited to the similarities and differences of national dances. The project outputs will be presented through dance performances. The age of beneficiaries is 10+.
- Music: Topics should cover national songs and/or national musical instruments. The results may be presented through a chamber concert, presentations, etc. The age of beneficiaries is 10+.
- Travel expenses, accommodation, food, and in-country transportation expenses will be covered by the National Centre for Aesthetics with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia. No artist fee will be provided. Тhere is no application fee.
- Additionally, 100.000 AMD (approx. 250 USD) will be provided to obtain the required materials for each project.
Eligibility Criteria
- Independent established artists or representatives of art organisations from Iran, Georgia, Italy, Switzerland, and France having at least 10 years of creative experience in the field of art in these countries
- Age limit: 18+
- Ability to communicate in English
For more information, visit National Center of Aesthetics.