Deadline: 14 October 2019
Nominations are now open for the 2019 Human Rights Prize to recognize the fundamental role of civil society in the promotion and protection of human rights around the world.
This Prize is intended to reward and enable to carry out, in France or abroad, individual or collective actions on the ground, regardless of nationality or borders, which works to promote or the protection of human rights.
For the 32nd edition of the Human Rights Prize of the French Republic, the two themes selected by the CNCDH are:
- Young Human Rights Defenders
- On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the CNCDH has chosen to reward the action of young defenders of human rights. men, engaged individually or in associations, for the promotion and defense of human rights.
- The term “human rights defender” means any person who, individually or in association with others, works for the promotion or protection of human rights.
- A human rights defender is someone who defends a fundamental right, on their own behalf or on behalf of a person or group of people. Defenders seek to promote and protect civil and political rights as well as to promote, protect and fulfill economic, social and cultural rights.
- If the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders does not define a particular qualification for being a defender of human rights – everyone can be an advocate if they wish and act as such – it nevertheless affirms and without ambiguity that defenders have a number of responsibilities, which candidates will have to answer:
- Human rights defenders must accept the universality of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Human rights defenders must carry out non-violent actions.
- The Human Rights Prize is intended to reward and honor the actions of one or more of them.
- The Duty of Fraternity
- The fraternity is based on the recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family, fraternity and dignity are the foundations of the universality of human rights.
- Therefore, the implementation of the principle of fraternity, since it builds on the dignity attached to the quality of human being, implies an effort of solidarity, respect for others, tolerance and benevolence for others, rejection any exclusionary attitude that may lead, inter alia, to racist behavior, the refusal to use hatred or the refusal to accuse someone of his or her membership of a social, ethnic or religious group, of his or her sex, or about his age. Fraternity takes on an altruistic dimension and is conceived as the ability to recognize, accept and welcome the other in all its singularity.
- In this spirit, individuals or non-governmental organizations carrying out one or more projects that aim to implement the humanitarian imperative of providing relief and assistance to those in need may be nominated. , whatever they are, especially through the unconditional welcome.
- Projects may also include advocacy or defending the duty of brotherhood and freedom to help others, for humanitarian purposes, regardless of origin, religion, social status or administrative status.
Award Criteria
- The winners are selected with regard to the field actions they have carried out and the projects they intend to develop.
- The latter must be part of a logic of effective protection and promotion of human rights, as well as in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the World Conference on Human Rights.
- After a careful and rigorous examination, the jury appoints five laureates, who receive funds from the French Government for the realization of their respective projects.
- Since 2000, five other candidates have been awarded a “special mention” which, although not financially endowed, attests to the quality and seriousness of the project concerned.
The five laureates of the Prize will be invited to Paris for the official ceremony. They will receive a medal and will share the global allocation of 70,000 euros allocated by the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, and intended to implement their projects.
How to Apply
- Interested applicants can apply via given website.
- The application file, written in French, must include:
- a letter of application presented and signed by the president or legal representative of the operating NGO, or by the individual candidate;
- the application file attached. This file presents, in detail, the actions carried out by the association or the individual personality;
- where appropriate, a presentation by the operating NGO (statutes, implementation, etc. );
- The postal and banking details of the NGO or individual candidate.
For more information, please visit